It is best to avoid comfrey internally. Plus I fed him lots of foods for broken bones (as I explained in another article). LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on November 09, 2016: Don't let go of the dream, Shira. Do you harvest the leaves and sell them to local farmers? Potato, tomato, chilli and eggplant are all related to the deadly nightshade. Its main active compounds, allantoin and rosmarinic acid, have shown to stimulate cell growth, reduce inflammation, and … Even during drought ours stays alive, probably because it has been in the ground for years and the roots have managed to reach far enough down to tap into underground water. We tend to use colloidal silver and other alternatives instead of antibiotics. It just took the edge off and I swear I could feel it working on me. Unfortunately it was winter and I didn't have enough comfrey on hand to wrap it thickly around his entire ankle. Do all pets do this? lol. Mine was a small area so I didn’t need that much comfrey. :), Hello samihipendo. I just don't have access to to fresh, so dried was the next best thing and it worked for me. Aren't you strapped or bandaged? I trust your daughter is well on the way to recovery, and is happy with her healing foods. Each time they would only put on a splint which would press the fracture in the direction it was injured. Comfrey Poultice. Now check your email and don't forget to confirm your subscription. Needless to say, he was puzzled when viewing the films, and whispered to the nurse to bring out the old films to compare. It is great to see comments from guest readers. Although some researchers insist comfrey is safe for internal use when it’s not used in high doses or for long periods of time. I tried being still and holding the bone together with my other hand, that evening, while breathing and thinking healing thoughts (meditating?) (The comfrey and pear prefer a similar fungal-bacteria balance in the soil. I would peel it off and put on a new leaf. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on October 20, 2013: Hi Jodah. He asked if I could lift my arm over my head which I did. Basically, that he was not responsible for any damage. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on April 03, 2014: Sorry, I have just noticed comments that remain unanswered. PA is a defense mechanism plants produce as a protection to keep insects from eating it. This is just one in a series of articles I've written about my husband's broken ankle. He had frequent visits to the specialists, did all the exercises suggested by the physio, and had lots of xrays etc documenting his improvements. I recently experienced a hip fracture (of the femoral neck) and I’ve started … I didn’t try this option since I hate being cold. YUP folks Comfrey works like a charm. I use two types: some with white flowers, some with purple. Made tea of comfrey leaf then soaked my foot. Take 2 capsules with a meal three times daily. Juiced for a drink. I've been using it internally for 4 decades including during pregnancy with only outstanding results. I hope you have similar success. I just ordered steel insoles as suggested by my doctor for painful arthritis in my feet. have I just taught the good doctor something new???? Please note the dramatic difference between his leg looking like "a piece of meat" when the staples were taken out, and the second photo showing the smaller scar on his ankle, immediately after the comfrey poultice. My husband used the gel at various times for months. The botanical name, Symphytum, means “to unite.” The incredible healing action this plant has on broken bones and wounds comes from a constituent contained in the leaf and root called allantoin. Remember comfrey if ever you need it! You can use fresh leaves from your garden or purchase dried comfrey leaves at your local health store. Before your hub, I had never even heard of comfrey! Answer: Ask at your local plant nursery. I broke a pinky toe. The beauty of this type of juicer is that it separates the comfrey juice from the pulp. :). When I went back after two weeks my doctor was very impressed with my x-ray. What suggestions are there for making Comfrey tea. Answer: The difference in varieties of comfrey is really not worth worrying about. Comfrey poultice was applied to the ankle and left for about six hours before washing it off. After a week of spending all day every day on his feet, working and walking, he came home early today because his ankle was aching and he simply had to stop. It split open, so off to the emergency room we went. I'm not sure how much comfrey powder you have, Cher, so I don't know how successful you'll be. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on June 03, 2018: Good luck with your cracked rib, Marly. I would mix some comfrey powder in a small bowl with hot water. Hi, I have been wanting to get back to climbing asap since my surgery. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on October 26, 2013: lol. If you choose to make a poultice, you are aiming to make a 'paste'. Please try again. Comfrey can be used in many different ways, so just do what suits you best. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on February 12, 2014: Thank you Kukata Kali and rls8994. Sutures come out in a few days and I'm eager to use comfrey to speed the healing. This time the pain was nothing like before so I thought it was sore from landing on it. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; Some years ago, I fell on my ribs and possibly broke one or two of them. But if you were using a bucket and putting your whole foot in it, you'd probably need to use more leaf. I actually think that's a good thing when your only problem is a broken bone. I did something similar to my boyfriend's broken ankle with castor oil. (If you do make tea for a footbath, you might like to try drinking a bit while you are soaking your foot. I suggest you strain the tea as you make the footbath. In fact, comfrey is sometimes called, “knitbone.” :). They just dismissed and talked down to me like I was a crazy person. Not only does it increase cell production but it can help wounds to heal-over rapidly. It saddens me when government authorities ignore hundreds of years of traditional healing and fail to adequately question "research" before deeming a natural remedy unsuitable for widespread use. the medical name for his condition was an adenocarcinoma. Comfrey is available in processed form from a variety of outlets. My story that follows is by no means any medical advise of any kind, but only the personal experience of a self employed single mom desperate to get back to work to support her family. However the gel might be useful if you get a chance to try it. It would be dreadful to make an injury worse by being impatient. But, in chatting with them, they confessed their recovery periods relied heavily on beer and television. And can I use to much comfrey? It's great for draining infections. Would this help? (Obviously, if you suspect you’ve broken a bone or suffered another serious injury, we suggest that your first trip not be to the comfrey patch, but to the Emergency Room.) Comfrey contains allantoin, a substance commonly used … LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on May 20, 2014: Hello PandaCat. It is easy to make when there is fresh comfrey to be found. amzn_assoc_linkid = "dc7ee35da928b6347b7ee3a544c07535"; Get the password for the resource library here by filling out this form: Hi, I'm Cathy :(. :). A comfrey poultice will help heal fractured or broken ribs in as little as two weeks, and fractured or broken limbs in as little as three. Comfrey should help with your fracture, but I don't know what effect it would have on a cyst. lol. When I had a plugged duct, sore breast, etc, I would put a fresh leaf on the affected part, and put an old bra (comfrey stains) over. Symphytum officinale (wild comfrey) or Symphytum uplandica x (cultivated comfrey) has been long famed for it’s ability to heal and repair deeper tissues injuries such as bruises, torn ligaments, broken bones and dislocated joints. I live in a household with an indoor cat and dog and two outdoor cats as mousers. That kind of lifestyle choice won't do it. Regulators in many countries banned all comfrey products for internal use. Comfrey leaves and roots are rich in tannins, a kind of compound that … If you can't get the paste thick enough to stay on the appropriate part, try spreading the comfrey paste on a piece of gauze bandage first. I'd need a lot more spare time than I actually have to list all the plants in my garden. Four broken ribs must be very painful and difficult to cope with. Lynda Makara from California on October 10, 2016: My accident was one year ago and I've done everything I can to speed healing (good nutrition, supplements, lots of physical therapy). And as you know, comfrey mulch provides Potassium and Nitrogen to the soil. As a bonus, I'll send you the password to my secret library filled with MANY FREE printables for your wellness journey. He put me in a splint for two weeks and removed the sutures two weeks later on Monday Aug. 21st. Day #22 after the injury. I was amazed at how soothing the poultice was! I did this daily for 3 weeks (canceling 1 of my doctors appointments) and my only side effect, was having a green tint on my skin (lol). Farmers and housewives have been using comfrey for years to aid in curing burns, cuts, bruises, and even bone fractures. Also google for appropriate exercises - but make sure you know what stage your son is at in his recovery so you don't make anything worse. :). I'm not a doctor, as I'm sure you're aware, but I'll share my thoughts since you asked. Maybe you should ask yourself if you think your mother would suggest it. If you study the debate, you will learn that an adult human would need to eat over 19,000 comfrey leaves to ingest an amount of comfrey comparable to the quantity given to baby rats in an experiment that resulted in liver damage. It will help reduce inflammation, and at the same time lessen scarring. I continued the poultice and on my next appointment, five weeks after I fell, my x-ray showed it was still healing. I love learning about different plants and herbs that have many benefits for our health. Can you apply a poultice without too much trouble? :). I'll bet they were happy to see you wave. With the changing season and more comfrey leaves growing, I now plaster the comfrey on thickly. People have used it as an herbal medicine for centuries. Then, leave it on medium heat for 20 minutes. Comfrey root salve has been shown to be a bone knit herbal remedy. We harvest our own this year for the first time. There should be a link on the hub I'm sending you to. So, sorry for the delay in responding. As soon as my husband returned from hospital after surgery on his broken ankle, I began including fresh comfrey in his meals. That was the first morning I did not have to press my pinky metacarpal bone shards back into place. Thanks for this! I wish I had known about this 4 weeks ago when I broke my baby toe. If you go back up to my article and look for the section titled 'Healing broken bones' there is a link to an article I wrote about foods for broken bones. I have comfrey powder, how would i make a poultice? I make my own salve using olive oil and beeswax -been doing so since 1973. Helen, just use a large leaf in some water and simmer it for about five minutes. Miraculous Comfrey, yes it is. As a poultice, applied over your broken bone. If the affected area is on a wrist or ankle we usually just wrap the area with a … Bones are not growing after examining the X-ray. A comfrey poultice can be messy. I’m not familiar with ‘comfrey oil’ but I suggest you apply it a couple of times a day. This is a good time to read a book, write a letter or play computer games. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on April 25, 2015: Thanks for taking the time to tell your story, Lady Mina Miakoda. At first, I thought I lost a tooth but it turned out to be my lip. If you have the gel, I suggest you apply it a few times a day (if there's no plaster in the way and you can get to your son's skin near the break) for a month or more ... and after that, just whenever he feels he needs it. Doctor had a frame to stabilise the bones after surgery. From reading Sherry's comment, however, it sounds like it is worth trying. Let it sit until it has a chance to cool. Comfrey is a great feed for animals. The ordering process was quick and easy. I admire your mother's ability to cope with a stream of broken bones. When it’s frozen you can use it as a cold pack to help reduce swelling and inflammation. (I wrote about it in my article about 'How to reduce swelling fast on a broken ankle'.) There are foods and herbs to help every ailment I've encountered so far. There's bound to be people with lovely gardens in your region. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on October 17, 2013: Comfrey is just one of the many remedies in nature's medicine chest that I greatly value, FlourishAnyway. this fantastic plant has a root system only a backhoe can dig out, and takes a backseat to no other plant only extream freeze up and will return with a few warm days. He hates the idea of having unnecessary surgery and more time 'wasted' recovering from it. I have also written another hub about how I used it on my husband's broken ankle to great effect. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Scoop enough out into a bowl that will cover your injured area up to an inch thick. My husband says the comfrey is very soothing. The price for the insoles ($37.97) was high for what it is, just two thin pieces of steel shaped like a foot and covered with fabric; they slip inside my shoes. It sounds like your friend has major issues. Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on October 25, 2013: You've done so well for yourself living off the grid. I used a fomentation of dried comfrey and enough water to moisten when I sliced of a thick chunk of flesh from the tip of my index finger while using a kitchen mandolin. When I only had a limited amount of fresh leaf, I chose to include comfrey in his meals, with only a small amount left to make into a poultice. May I suggest you also take a look at this link. I hope this is helpful for you, Cindy. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes, I left mine on for a few hours each day. I explained to the doctor I was seeing at the time, that he couldn't cast both my hands, but he said it was necessary or I would have permanent damage. I keep at least a little growing in a pot in case of winter emergencies (like my husband's broken ankle), and lots growing in the garden to use as a mulch and plant food during the vegetable growing seasons. My dad was a known orthopedic surgeon and was also a strong believer in the medicinal powers mother earth provides us with. I told the doctor I needed time to think about it. Comfrey as a natural healer. I broke my foot July 31st. Not only does comfrey benefit the outside structure of the body, it is healing to the entire skeletal system. Does dried comfrey work as well for healing, or on fresh comfrey leaves? However if it turns out to be arthritis, you might be interested in the natural therapy I used to fix my arthritis. I put fresh comfrey poultice on at least once a day during the initial healing period. We know a few local men who still have restricted movement years after their accidents. Then he wrote my formula down and asked me how to grow or get Comfrey. I never heard of comfrey before, but I think it grows wild in Britain. And I need to be able to present the evidence to relatives who will read about it being toxic to the liver. This was a HUGE dilemma for me, being that I would be completely disabled, even to go to the bathroom, if you know what I mean...both hands casted??? I know it is easy to grow new plants from root pieces ... and I never plant it close to waterways because I've heard the roots will head for the water. How to Use Comfrey for Healing. There is a slight possibility he may have been given antibiotics in the hospital, perhaps by injection, but too much time has passed for me to say for sure. rls8994 from Mississippi on February 08, 2014: Wow, this comfrey is an amazing gift from nature. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Since I was trying to avoid surgery and wanted to use holistic healing instead. It saddens me that doctors no longer tap into Nature's medicine chest the way your dad did. Now that it's springtime and my comfrey is more prolific, I am making more. Definitely a believer, Thank You Mother Earth! When it’s cooked, leave the mixture for … :). Despite breaking multiple bones in his ankle and requiring the surgical addition of plates and screws, my husband was walking unaided just three months after his accident. There's an interesting video on that hub I encourage you to watch. Native Americans called influenza 'break bone fever' because a very severe flu could make bones feel like they were breaking. He used a fresh poultice of Comfrey and Corydalis on broken bones with miraculous results. If the skin is healed over, you should be okay. Sounds like you are getting to be a qualified herbalist! Went to doctor 3 times for the compound fracture of my fifth metacarpal. 6 to 8 months. The two plants share pollinators but flower at different times, so they support each other's pollination needs. Some governments have banned the use of comfrey tablets and capsules for medicinal use, yet have no objection to comfrey being used as a food. I am studying Herbalism and Forest Gardening, and I was wondering how your garden is laid out. True to its Latin name, comfrey was applied externally as a poultice for bruises, sprains and fractures. You'll see a photo of it on my husband's ankle.) Just let me know if you have any more questions. You are awesome! Cathy is not a doctor nor does she have any medical training. Fortunately, comfrey is surprisingly easy to grow. Plus if your daughter has swelling, I’ve written about that as well. It's been healed ever since. How to use comfrey to heal broken bones Recipe 1: you should get 100 grams of comfrey root, chop it in small pieces, put the chopped comfrey in a bowl and pour 1 liter of boiling milk over it. I'm guessing that might be difficult when you can't feel the effects ... so I'd be inclined to think the footbath (not too hot) is your best option. I am very pleased you have found me here at hubpages. However, if you are trying to heal broken bones, it is worth trying. Good luck with your studies. :). LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on July 10, 2015: Hello Colin. Different exercises apply to different stages (eg weight-bearing vs those before you can put pressure on the broken bones.) I broke my ankle had surgery they put in a plate and screws. How to use a comfrey poultice: Put a frozen or slightly thawed comfrey poultice on the affected area - bruise, sprain, bee sting, etc. So please, just remember the love you shared. I would like to try it in 2 weeks when he takes the cast off. Here in Australia, however, my juicer is labelled Oscar VitalMax900. Your post was very interesting and right up my alley. Not only does it speed up recovery on the surface level, but the primary constituent, allantoin, penetrates into the tissues of the body to speed healing of sprains, strains, and even broken bones. My husband is back on his feet without crutches! >> Read More…. ...Comfrey compresses healed not only the deep bruising (in 3 days), resulting from a stubbed, broken toe but also, bone -- after all, the common name for comfrey is "knit bone". I asked her to follow my recipe and she wrapped both my wrist as I asked (Oh I added Arnica for the pain). I can't help you this time, but who knows what the future holds ... maybe someone else in your life might benefit if they break a bone. Tea made from the leaves was used to treat internal problems and a poultice was made to bind wounds and broken bones. It is good for all kinds of skin troubles such as eczema and psoriasis, and ulcers on the legs. Sorry my question may have been too overly ambitious. Cover the poultice with a waterproof gauze pad and tape it securely. (You don't have to drill very far to sink a well here.) I’m guessing the hospital probably prescribed them after his surgery ... but that doesn’t necessarily mean he took them. Make sure you don’t put it onto an open/healing wound though. Healing Bruises And Bleeding. Best wishes! LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on April 26, 2014: catsclan, good luck with your next knee. Will comfrey poultice help a year old fractured hip. I smiled and signed his papers. It sounds like you expect me to be growing just one comfrey plant, but that's not how my garden is designed. It is important not to just 'assume' improvement. Comfrey may not be an obvious choice, but it has always been such a kind plant to the garden that it should come as no surprise that is kind to the … It turns out I broke my collarbone, the technical term was “distal clavicle fracture.” I’ve broken my elbow before and could barely move from the pain. The simplest way to use comfrey for a wound is as a poultice. Those who never try it will never know. Here's a few suggestions to help with the wound on your heel. In that other article I shared my research about appropriate foods to include in his meals. You can use a hot water bottle to keep the poultice warm ... but I don't know how advisable that is for a paraplegic. First I rub some juice into his leg, then I mix the comfrey pulp with the remaining juice and "plaster" it on thickly. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "starwest botanicals organic comfrey"; LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on June 23, 2016: As you can see from the photos, I use fresh comfrey leaves to make poultices. lol. Was your husband on antibiotics while you were treating him with comfrey poultices? LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on October 13, 2016: If we lived closer, Lynda, I'd give you some of the gel to try. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on January 19, 2015: Hello shar. Mix herb powder with Golden Salve or with Black Ointment to create poultices. I could only find a $10 tincture at Whole Foods. It does not seem to matter much which part of the body is broken, comfrey will heal it quickly. And he was writing the alphabet with his foot a few times every day as soon as he could. I have never seen comfrey spread like that, but I don't chop the earth up where mine grows. Several weeks ago I fell and broke my collarbone. From what I understand, the studies used an alkaloid from the comfrey plant and not the whole plant as nature intended. It is great that you have lots of comfrey in your garden, so put it to work. If your son is young and healthy, there is no real advantage to continuing the capsules past the initial stage of pain relief, anti-inflammatory and rebuilding cartilage if it has been damaged. As its many folk names suggest, comfrey is one of the best herbs for healing broken bones, sprains, strains, bruises and tears. Not one surgery but two surgeries. Add some lemon juice, a little water and a teaspoon of honey to make it more tasty (again, please research your species of comfrey and proper dosage to avoid ingesting plants with potential toxicity). Comfrey is Amazing! Comfrey, also known as knit-bone can help heal broken bones faster. Because I grow my own organic comfrey, I knew there was no danger of chemical fertilizer or pesticides on the plant. amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; The main thing I'd advise for you at this time is to concentrate on eating the right kinds of foods to help heal broken bones. I can most definitely feel it. As a single mom and a therapist, my main goal in life was to take pain away from others. :). I recently know someone very dear to me who suffering from muscle wasting as a result of pharmaceuticals they was taking. lol. Also, you may need someone to help you secure it onto the injured area like your shoulder. Add a little honey or lemon juice, depending on your personal taste.). I use the leaves from both. My dog had an operation to remove cancerous anal glands, I used Cannabis Oil after the operation. Nature provides many remedies too valuable to ignore. (Owwww. I had surgery Aug. 8th and he used two plates and eleven screws to do a fusion with the three bones in my foot. Indian Sarsaparilla (Cryptolepis buchanani) – rich in vitamin C, this herb also has been used in traditional medicine for generations for bone breaks, osteoporosis and a number of other ailments. LongTimeMother (author) from Australia on August 28, 2014: Sharon, I'm not a doctor. There was blood pouring out of my mouth. Another brilliant herb for healing wounds is aloe vera. Here's a link to the hub. I had never heard of it until now. I was so shocked to learn the gov't does not consider it safe for use. Hope you can wait a little longer. The only problem is it’s very messy! The doctors warned us it would probably take a year or more before my husband was 'back to normal' but it was only about three or four months before he was close to 'normal' again - and able to walk okay. Range of motion before he broke his hand and we only had the tincture, so to! During pregnancy with only outstanding results spare time than I 've been using it though foods to aid in burns... 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