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Ottavia Zoboli, Katerina Schilling, Anna-Lena Ludwig, Norbert Kreuzinger, Matthias Zessner . 1973. Collins, M. 1978. Limnol. In: T. D. Fontaine, III and S. M. Bartell (eds. PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY IN A SOUTHERN GREAT PLAINS STREAM1 William R. Duffer2 and Troy C. Dowis Aquatic Biology Laboratory, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 74075 ABSTRACT Physico-chemical conditions and community metabolism in a relatively undisturbed stream in Oklahoma were studied from June 1963 to August 1964. Limnol. 1975. 3:423–428. Much of the primary production within the channels of streams and rivers, particularly those with fast flowing water, is typically restricted to benthic habitats involving algae and cyanobacteria. O’Neill, R. V. and D. E. Reichle. DePinto, J. V. and F. H. Veroff. Consumer regulation of nutrient cycling. Relationships among substrate, flow, and benthic microalgal pigment density in the Mechums River, Virginia. Primary Productivity AP Bio Lab 12B Oxygen is vital to life. 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A stream is fundamentally different from a lake, and you must consider how the entire system is functionally linked. Aquat. Wetzel, R. G. 1975b. Minshall, G. W., R. C. Petersen, K. W. Cummins, T. L. Bott, J. R. Sedell, C. E. Cushing, and R. L. Vannote. Gessel, S. P. and D. W. Cole. Analyses of five North American lake ecosystems. 1972. Granhall, U. Bd. E.P.A. Webster, J. R., J. J. Phycol. Studies on plankton parasites. Odum, H. T. 1957. As part of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a systematic sampling program has been undertaken to monitor the abundance and species distribution of algal mats in … 159–170. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Fee. Experimental lakes area: Whole-lake experiments in eutrophication. Ecol. ), Forests: Fresh perspectives from ecosystem analysis. Fish. Ecology 58:1020–1032. Ecology 57:1244–1253. 1. Seasonal cycling of algal nutrient limitation in Chatauqua Lake, New York. Products of primary production found in aquatic ecosystems come from two sources: the growth of algae and plants in streams (autochthonous inputs); and organic matter originating from the surrounding riparian and upland vegetation (allochthonous inputs). Res. Res. Tropical river systems undoubtedly sit at the high end of the global productivity spectrum, and the wet and dry forest catchments they drain have the highest rates of primary production of any terrestrial biome. 1975. In the atmosphere, oxygen comprises over 20% of the available gases. Marra, J. McIntire, C. D. 1973. Systematics 10:149–172. Primary productivity in the sea. Coast. Energy flow in Bear Brook, New Hampshire: An integrative approach to stream ecosystem metabolism. ), Primary productivity of the biosphere. J. Oceanogr. 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Bioscience 28:767–771. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Barsdate, R. J., R. T. Prentki and T. Fenchel. Open stream methods were complicated by high diffusion rates and yielded net community primary productivity estimates lower than those obtained with chamber methods. See if you can explain all the patterns of productivity shown here. ), Primary productivity of the biosphere. Variation in primary productivity, measured typically as the concentration of chlorophyll in water, is a primary determinant of all biological productivity up the food web and trophic pyramid. Mar. CONF-740513. Some ecological observations on the decomposition of periphytic algae and aquatic plants. Wetzel, R. G. 1975a. J. Ecol. The productivity of an ecosystem refers to the rate of production, i.e., the amount of organic matter accumulated in any unit time. Falkowski, P. G. McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER: Stream Algae Primary Productivity. A. Whitton (ed. Swan, L. A. 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Net primary production is a fundamental ecological process that reflects the amount of carbon synthesized within an ecosystem, which is ultimately available to consumers. Second N. Am. 1980. 1973. 30:309–312. A rock outcrop community in a typical southern Piedmont stream was studied to deter- mine its trophic structure and productivity. The concentration of oxygen in water can be affected by many physical and biological factors. 1975. 1976. Movement of elements through a forest soil as influenced by tree removal and fertilizer addition, pp. The purpose of this study was to examine the primary production rates of phytolithic communities found in the major different habitats of streams and determine the effects of physical and chemical parameters associated with each habitat on periphyton community spatial structure. Effects of forest cutting and herbicide treatment on nutrient budgets in the Hubbard Brook watershed ecosystem. Kaplan, L. A. and T. L. Bott. ), Mineral cycling in Southeastern ecosystems. Can. It also shows that the rates of in-stream primary production in tropical regions are typically at least an order of magnitude greater than comparable temperate systems. 1980. Colloquium. Wong, S. L. and B. Clark. 1981. Soc. Likens, G. E., F. H. Bormann, N. M. Johnson, D. W. Fisher, and R. S. Pierce. Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Odum, E. G. 1971. Fish. Hynes, H. B. N. 1963. Nutrient cycling and the stability of ecosystems, pp. Particulate components. Hydrobiol. Annual gross primary production in streams used in this analysis. Horner, R. R. and E. B. Welch. Academic Press, London. Sci. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, Stream Ecology Colloquium. 1965. Springer-Verlag, New York. The web app will be part of office.com—like Word, PowerPoint and Excel web apps—and … Sumner, W. T. and S. G. Fisher. Swanson, C. D. and R. W. Bachmann. 230–247. U.S. Dept. Primary production, pp. Fisher, S. G. and S. R. Carpenter. J. Freshwater Ecol. Springer-Verlag, New York. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Primary Production in Tropical Streams and Rivers. Flemer, D. A. Portion) OECD Eutrophication Project: Nutrient loading — Lake response relationships and trophic state indices. 107:404–407. A conceptual model for primary productivity was developed for application to rooted aquatic macrophytes in streams to assist studies of eutrophication and control of water quality in supplementing outputs of dissolved oxygen (DO) models of pollution loads. Regulation of nitrate uptake and primary productivity, higher aquatic plants, periphyton, and R. H. Whittaker, E.. ) verschiedener Molekulgroben in Planktongesellachaften sediments measured by oxygen microprofile, H. Ricklefs, R. E. 1979 added machine. 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