Even with May’s deal, politics and good government will be blocked as Brexit is a political super-glue squeezed into the machinery of politics, business and government. Text settings. Right now, Brexit Is a hot agenda on the currency market. For the UK not to be willing to enter into separate arrangements would not be in its interest. There have been wars since the formation of the EU – in the Balkans and latterly in the Middle East. But then the real debt implosion – the one involving the really big boys – will arrive. Getty Images. It is not free. Health Secretary Matt Hancock says Brexit is the reason that the UK has ordered the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine before any other EU Member State – however, an independent regulator rejects this claim. The benefit that Germany has derived from membership of the EU and the disadvantages placed on member states is well documented but is masked by an illusionary claims about the economic strength of the EU as a whole as compared with other trading blocks in the world. The UK is bigger than the EU. The UK proportion of goods and services traded with the EU is falling. 10 REASONS TO LOVE THE ‘BREXIT’ VOTE. Here are also 10 reasons given by www.betteroffout.net for British to leave EU. The impact to the UK of lower skilled workers has been to stunt wage growth, reduce the need to train the unemployed and place pressure on state services and housing. It is a fact that under the EU the UK is likely continue to experience immigration from Europe in 100’s of thousands each year. Is Brexit the reason for Rattle’s move to Munich? 5. As follows: first, Greece and Portugal will suffer another bout of financial crisis. Tim Martino said the EU was transferring power away from its member states and handing it to unelected officials in Brussels. 10 Reasons to Vote Remain – The British Exit from the European Union is about national sovereignty, independence and self-determination. It exports around 80% of its products around the world. It is an immoral act for politicians to claim that immigration can be reduced to tens of thousands whilst there is no control over our borders. Some poorer communities that were sacrificed for the good of the EU could become prosperous again; we probably would have been forced to … A once in a lifetime opportunity… …except I don’t think it is. The European Union's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Monday that there were reasons for determination in trade talks with the British. As so many EU members are experiencing difficulties with their electorates the future face of the EU may change significantly. It would be unbelievable to think that such arrangements cannot be entered into. Tweet Post. Here’s an excerpt from an article written on betteroffout.net about this issue: The independent Labour Peer, Lord Stoddart of Swindon, has been scathing in his criticism of the David Cameron’s latest attempt to bully elderly voters into backing the remain campaign, in which he has threatened the future of state pensions if there is a Brexit vote on 23rdJune. The reason for this turn of events is simple: The excitement and energy stemming from leaving the European Union which had powered the Brexit referendum result followed by Boris Johnson entering Downing Street and winning a handsome majority 12 months ago has faded. The UK imports far more from the EU than it exports. He says regulation prevents him promoting the health-giving properties of his product on the bottle because amino acids are not on the EU health register. 10 THE UK WILL TAKE BACK CONTROL OVER ITS BORDERS. January 8, 2020 - New European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen visits No 10 to warn Mr Johnson the timetable for a post-Brexit trade deal is 'very, very tight'. Freedom to restore British customs and traditions. In regard to the EU, quitting is no bad thing when you are on a sinking ship! The debate provoked major consideration to an array of topics, argued up-to, and beyond, the referendum on the 23rd June, 2016. Julie Price of Julie Price & Co insurance brokers would like to see the UK leave the EU because she feels she has no say in regulation, particularly regarding employment laws around maternity and paternity leave. This hard Brexit means the Europe question will live on in the UK, writes Michael Cottakis (89 Initiative).. We now have a Brexit deal. It is incumbent on politicians to ensure that there is adequate provision for services and housing without there being a discriminatory effect on those already in the UK. The European Health Card insurance scheme Covers 32 countries not just the 28 member states of the EU. The UK will have to enter into seperate negotiations to placate those bemoaning that UK court decisions are overruled by the European Court of Human Rights. Harold Wilson’s famous saying is very appropriate particularly when … Brexit is for life … Yes, the years of negotiation have been agonising. It is doubtful, though, that any of the EU Technocrats ever envisaged what can only be described as the unintended consequences of such a policy. 10 REASONS FOR BREXIT. My own support for that type of union would be strong. That would not go down well for the citizens of the remaining EU members who also have doubts about the direction of the EU. The European Technocrats are following a mission to be the biggest trading block in world and are seeking greater unification in order to exercise greater power. 2. All of this in the cause of resisting perhaps the worst bullies of all – the Nazis!