argan oil vs jojoba oil for skin

Is Your Skin Type Suitable for Argan oil vs Jojoba Oil? Some people’s skin is more sensitive and clogs more easily. Start by giving your face a quick cleanse with lukewarm water. Jojoba oil is actually superior to whale oils for human health, so it was a win for the whales. But it’s ideal for dry, under-nourished or mature skin. Both oils are good when it comes to hair loss prevention. I have been using a blend of Jojoba (2 drops) and Rosehip seed (4 drops) as a moisturizer only at night….!! I started looking for another oil and I bought jojoba oil actually to make a homemade shampoo which went horribly wrong even with my very soft Scottish water. You can then make an informed decision on which oil you would want to use. Hey, Argan Oil: This one is popular in the anti-aging world. It can be applied to the roots and scalp, but be careful, as you might overload your hair with fatty acids and disrupt your hair’s natural pH balance. Argan oil vs Jojoba oil : which oil is better for your skin and hair? Thinking about oil cleansing method, but currently liking manuka honey and vinegar as toner. Grapeseed Oil. Instead, it’s an added boost in defense against UV rays, and in repairing historic sun damage. This makes it fantastic for balancing problem skin. You can apply the oil to a damp face for a more even application. Argan oil does not have protective properties. While almond oil contains Vitamin A, both oils contain Vitamin E however the Vitamin E content in jojoba oil is very high and rich. Rosehip seed oil is really great for dealing with pigmentation, so you are on the right track Oils high in beta-carotene are excellent for dealing with dark spots, beta carotene blocks the melanin-producing enzyme (tyrosinase) from making melanin. You can read about my favorite argan oil here. They are soybean oil, rosehip oil and jojoba oil for fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants, and d-alpha tocopherol (the purest form of vitamin E). Now let’s see how you can use jojoba oil for your skin. Mix in equal proportions jojoba oil and castor oil. Thanks! Acne is caused when too many skin cells are being shed, leading to build-up and clogged pores. It comes in a glass dropper bottle designed for use on hair, skin and nails (it can be very nourishing when massaged into the nailbeds). But for me, having clear skin and being confident is more important than totally avoiding all chemicals. That could be a great way to get the benefits of both oils, while keeping your costs down (as Argan oil is expensive). You can vary the ingredient measurements depending on the quantity you would like to prepare. Argan oil is a saint for feeding brittle hair with nutrients and rebuilding the moisture barrier. The fact that so many vitamin E serums and oils come with jojoba oil as its main ingredient just goes to show how full of vitamin E jojoba oil is. And finally, can i use either of these oils as a substitute for a moisturiser? I am currently working on an article about oils that combat acne, so stay tuned for that! When extracted via cold-pressing, it contains over 98% long fatty chain acids (20-22- carbon), which makes it a highly stable oil that is resistant to oxidizing and heat. Jojoba has a natural SPF factor of 4. I used clay masks to clear up my clogged pores on my cheeks. Jojoba oil can be massaged directly onto the scalp for healthy, dandruff-free follicles. It really does take trail and error to find what works. You can read about my journey with acne here. I still have a good many blackheads on my nose and some whiteheads on oily areas. Jojoba oil are super effective, gentle and nourishing oils that you should definitely add to your rotation. 3. […], […] Suggested Read: Jojoba Oil Vs Argan Oil – Which is best for skin and hair? Very well you described here about jojoba or argon oil. Argan oil has a particularly high linoleic acid content of 35 % (compared to just 5% in jojoba oil). Both of these can give you healthy, thick, as well as nourished looking skin. I found jojoba to be a little less thick and greasy feeling than argan. You can get it on Amazon. Thanks for the comment Hannah! Jojoba oil comes from a plant that is native to the American Southwest. Argan Oil- Argan Oil is known to effectively treat eczema as it is rich in Vitamin E which helps to... 2. I think argan oil is slightly allergenic for me. I used it in conjuctjon with retin-a so maybe that is not a fair try for them both as argan might work better if I’d tried them both on their own. Balancing oil production: Oil production can be complex in the hair as well as the skin. Am more inclined to argan oil cause i do not want to experiment with something that could potentially clog my pores( jojoba oil). Will see improvement within few days. I worry that maybe the argan oil would be too light, since the benzoyl peroxide is drying and also because it’s higher in linoleic acid than jojoba oil, but also has oleic acid (which is in jojoba oil, too, and I suspect is what is making me greasy). This product is also good for those with fine, limp or greasy hair, who feel putting pure oil directly onto their roots might weigh it down. You can also use argan oil to treat rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and many other skin conditions. Argan oil for face can lend mineral sunscreens (which can sometimes have a powdery texture) a creaminess that makes them work for a greater variety of skin types. Both jojoba oil and Argan oil is excellent for any type of natural hair. A high Vitamin E content in Argan oil helps remove damaged cells and encourages new ones to grow, thus fading acne scars. There are no known side effects from applying either jojoba oil and argan oil topically. The only problem I have with it is that it can go rancid quickly, so make sure you keep it in your fridge Jojoba oil does not work for everyone. Massage in oil. Argan oil would probably be more moisturizing than Jojoba, as it is much higher in essential fatty acids. I guess it doesn’t matter since I plan to keep using the benzoyl peroxide. […]. It actually replaced the hunting of whales for their liquid wax esters. Both Argan Oil and Jojoba Oil are equally beneficial for treating cracked... 3. Argan oil is a bit more moisturizing than jojoba oil, so it may be a better fit for you. My how to wash your face post offers excellent advice for acne sufferers. People with acne-prone skin need to be aware of this, as clogged pores will make their acne worse. Pura D’Or Organic Moroccan Argan Oil is another high-quality, trustworthy product that has been processed by cold pressing. It works for many different skin types and issues. so far they seem to … Hemp oil might be a good one to mix with argan as it is good for acne-prone skin. Jojoba oil is cheaper, making it more practical to use in full head treatments. When you produce too much oil, skin cells get trapped, bacteria breeds and pimples result. Both jojoba oil and Argan oil is excellent for any type of natural hair. Argan contains fatty acids (oleic and linoleic to name a few), phenols, squalene, vitamin E, and carotenes. Why is jojoba oil good for skin? Argan oil has a rating of zero, meaning there is, Since both oils have low comedogenic scores, they can be used on, When shop for any seed oil such as jojoba oil and argan oil, look out for words like ‘, 7 Benefits of Using Apricot Kernel Oil – On Skin and Hair. I use it at night and when I put it on it is greasy- giving me hope that it is moisturizing during the night. Jojoba Oil : It is extracted from the wax of Jojoba plant which is mainly found in California, Arizona and some parts of Mexico. Jojoba oil and argan oil bore are effective in stimulating skin regeneration. My question is ; can i mix oils? For a more comprehensive package of nourishing oils, Model Off Duty’s offering comes packed with bonus ingredients such as moringa oil, coconut oil, baobab, jojoba, and jasmine. Are there other products that you’d recommend with these oils in them? She really didn’t know where to even begin when it came to looking for a natural way to fighting acne and this is perfect. Jojoba oil is better than Argan oil for stimulating hair growth and dealing with scalp problems. Hoping that the rosemary will help. Argan Oil and Jojoba Oil against Skin Diseases. Mother Nature Organics Jojoba Oil3. Maria wrote an article about using rosemary for anti-aging, you can read it here. Argan oil vs Jojoba oil: Which is Better for Natural Hair? Mix all the oils well and store in a dark glass bottle. Have you tried Tamanu oil? Antibacterial properties: Jojoba oil can banish spot-causing bacteria. The high amount of linoleic acid in Argan oil prevents excess skin cells from building up. For cracked heels, rough skin, as well as cuticles that need additional moisture – use Argan oil and Jojoba oil. I am happy to hear that jojoba oil is working for you. Argan Oil vs Jojoba Oil for Skin. Just make sure you apply a hefty amount at night and let the oil sink in. Hey, This is why incorporating these oils in our skin care routine is crucial in fight against ageing. However, it does have a nutty scent which may interfere with aromatherapy. Poly-phonols contained in Argan oil increase exfoliation of cells. I am glad you have found something that gives you great results I would say that you may find you don’t need the oils as much once you are back home in a hot and humid climate, but you will have to see when you get there. Jojoba oil is actually a wax – more specifically, it is a mixture of long chain monounsaturated liquid wax esters. Note: I will be at home just for 1 week and will return back to my I will be using JOJO&ROSEHIP again…!! Marula Oil Vs Rosehip Oil: Which is Better for Face & Hair? Argan Oil and Jojoba Oil in daily Skin Care of the Body. I’m thinking now, though, that I might try mixing the two oils at night (I use a non-comedogenic moisturizer during the day because no matter what I do, if I use oil in the morning, my makeup is disastrous by mid-day…maybe that moisturizer is making my face dry. Apply a few drops from the mid-lengths through to the ends of the hair. Definitely people going to get good use of these natural medicine for beautiful skin. Hi Lucy, Argan Oil vs. Squalane in Hair Care . Yes, those dead skin cells suck! Click here to see the best Argan oil on Amazon and Click here to see the best jojoba oil on Amazon. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. It is lighter than jojoba oil or coconut oil, and thus better at controlling facial oils. Cold pressed means that the seeds, nuts or kernels have been processed at -35℃, under immense pressure. Dryer skin that is breakout prone generally does better with argan oil. If you find that your skin feels too heavy, you may either need to switch to a lighter oil ( I love prickly pear) or refrain from using oils on your skin. A heavy and slow drying fatty acid. Should I even be using these oils after using benzoyl peroxide in your opinion? Jojoba Oil imitates the natural oils in our scalp and skin - sebum. So, please suggest. I have been now using JOJOBA oil and rosehip seed oil and have started to have amazing results now…!! benefits. Jojoba oil is a think oil that is readily absorbed. Argan oil contains vitamin E and antioxidants that naturally combat and protect against these environmental aggressors. When used on your skin, both oils make great moisturizers. Jojoba Oil is also a bit more expensive than is the Argan Oil. Pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and cysts all fall under the category of acne. That is why they can promote hair growth, moisturize the hair, and prevent hair and scalp, but jojoba oil is a little ahead in terms of efficiency, as its oil … Model Off Duty Beauty is a brand with all 3 oils. It is considered a “dry oil” meaning that it soaks into the skin easily, and does not leave a greasy residue. Jojoba oil is rated as a 2, meaning it can mildly clogs pores. Oily skin types are more prone to acne, but these problems can also arise in dry skin. The fruit must first be dried, then have its flesh removed. Argan Oil For Hair : Argan Oil deeply conditions the hair and helps to tame the frizz which means it can work magic on dry hair. Not overly heavy or too greasy, my skin looked great and very well hydrated in the mornings. Jojoba, argan, and rosehip oils are all popular for skin care. Argan oil hair mask by Royal Formula is the best hair mask brand with most number of positive reviews. It is theorized that Jojoba oil tricks your skin into thinking it has produced enough oil, thus slowing down it’s own sebum production. I wonder about using both? Blends of oils are nice, then you get a variety, but sometimes it is nice to stick to a single oil, so you know what is working and what isn’t. 1. mix some with your clay mask – to prevent over-drying from the clay, use them as carriers for the oil-cleansing method, Close in composition to our natural sebum, Poly-phenols increase exfoliation of cells. This is a deep cleansing and therapeutic oil that comes with all of the benefits we’re familiar with for hair, skin and nails. Sky Organics Vitamin E Oil comes with just four simple ingredients bursting with benefits. It is also a good food or cooking oil. Cliganic is a brand with 100% pure argan oil which highly moisturizes your skin. Argan oil is higher in Linoleic acid than Jojoba oil. When shop for any seed oil such as jojoba oil and argan oil, look out for words like ‘pure’, ‘organic’, and ‘cold pressed’. A good option to try that I didn’t mention in this post is rosehip seed oil. Today we will examine two of the most popular oils, jojoba oil and argan oil, and whether argan oil is good for skin, and the benefits of jojoba for skin. I know this is an all over the place and slightly directionless comment, but what do you think? Which is best: Jojoba oil vs argan oil vs rosehip oil? Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil Breakdown. Even using too much sunscreen with zinc oxide in it dries my skin out! Argan oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer. This means it is not a moisturising oil like coconut oil but as it stays on the cuticle, it would be a good sealant . trying to move into more natural measures, i’d love to know if there was an oil i could apply in the morning which absorbs dry. I would recommend reading about my own personal journey with acne. This is one of the best argan oil for face. Think: everything argan (or yes, even coconut) oil can do, and more. Argan oil vs Jojoba oil: Which is Better for Natural Hair? Carrier oil #6: Argan. Argan Oil vs Jojoba Oil: Which is Best for Skin and Hair? As for moisturizers, I have not tried pure jojoba oil, I used it in an Odacite facial oil, but it was blended with lavender. Jojoba oil is very similar to the oil that our body naturally produces known as sebum. I think everyone's skin is different. In recent years, this oil has become a beloved treatment for many hair types, including frizzy, coarse, and brittle hair. Argan oil vs jojoba oil – they don’t need to be enemies. You only need 3-4 drops. Sumptuous Moisture and Nourishment: Argan oil can be used alone or within creams or serums to rehydrate dry skin, leaving it soft and supple. Hi Sherin, That is so great to hear! Perform an oil cleanse once or twice weekly. Argan oil features high up on the list of ingredients, meaning there’s a good concentration within the formula. Jojoba oil is more affordable and is better for oilier skin types. I went through half a year of using argan oil both on its own and as a carrier oil with essential oils like ylang-ylang, tea tree, and lavender. Here is a comparison of rosehip seed oil vs argan oil: Rosehip seed oil – oleic acid 13.9%, linoleic acid 44.1% Oleic acid (omega-9) and linoleic acid (omega-6) are types of essential fatty acids. The lower down it is, the less volume there will be in the formula of the product. Yes it is a bit of a dilemma for me, using benzoyl peroxide when I really try to keep my skin care chemical free. It is something for thirsty follicles to drink up so they can return to a brand new state of health and repair. Both Rosehip and Argan oil are excellent for dry skin. Some of the great oils I can purchase in NL canada.. Linoleic acid is the better fatty acid for people who have acne. to boost moisturizing power? Acne Problems: Is Vitamin C your Solution? I am really glad I stumbled on your site. I only need very few drops and I massage it into my face. I have read that Argan oil is comedogenic, and I have read that it is not comedogenic, so it is hard to know what the truth is. Thanks in advance!! Mine was oily, but now it is dry. Jojoba oil is anti-bacterial and kills Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria believed to cause acne and inflammation. Although both jojoba oils and argan oils act as outstanding humectants, those with oily skin will most likely benefit from argan oil because it can reduce the oiliness of the skin. I would give jojoba oil a try as a makeup remover. My husband has acne prone skin and I will share this article with him. You can apply it to wet hair to keep it frizz-free as it dries. The fatty acids contained in each of these oils will affect how they act on the skin. Thanks for stopping in and taking the time to comment Quick Argan Skin Serum. Or you can apply it to dry hair to smooth down flyaways, and protect it from pollution. Everyone’s skin reacts differently to different products, so what works for one person may not work for another. Argan oil is a zero on the comedogenic scale and even though jojoba oil is a two, it is still widely recommended for oily skin because it is thought that it can trick the skin into producing less sebum. Linoleic Acid is the most widely used fatty acid in the cosmetics industry, desirable for its moisturizing and infection-fighting properties. It’s composition is quite different from oils such as argan. I like to use these oils in conjunction with other methods of acne control (mainly benzoyl peroxide). We are always hoping to help! In this article we are going to try to decipher which is better as a hair care oil. If you look after Jojoba Oil Vs Argan oil, you will find that both Jojoba oil and Argan oil contain oleic acid and linoleic acid. Andrea – your above blog has given me more confident of becoming a more beautiful daughter to my dad and ofcourse to my hubby..!! This encourages new skin to be formed. Jojoba oil mimics the texture of sebum, hence it can be used by people who have oily skin. Argan oil is a popular oil used in hair care for benefits such as shine. Both jojoba and argan oil can be an excellent companion in the fight to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy or during weight loss. Both of these oils are somewhat balanced in their oleic/linoleic ratios. It is mixed with other oils as it is expensive to yield. Like lotions. When comparing jojoba oil vs almond oil, each oil benefits your skin in unique ways. Argan Oil Vs Jojoba Oil for Hair. Filed Under: Acne, Acne-Prone Skin, Acne-Treatment, Comparisons, Natural Ingredients, Oil, Oily Skin Tagged With: Argan, carrier oil, Jojoba, linoleic acid, non-comedogenic, oleic acid, thrive, Andrea has been blogging about organic and natural skincare for over 5 years and has been practicing her own natural lifestyle for over 20 years. An ideal option if you’re looking to reap the rewards of argan oil with no dilution. The nutrient-rich properties of jojoba oil (namely, vitamins E, B, and zinc) have anecdotally been suggested to boost hair growth. Take out the portion of night cream you would use and put on your palm. Jojoba oil didn’t work for me broke me out like crazy and I have oily skin so I switched to Hemp oil (0 Comedogenic) and it worked. There is a company that I want to try, they specialize in oils for acne. Jojoba oil does not penetrate into the cortex of hair (Journal of Cosmetic Science, pg 299, 2005). However, in the morning, my skin feels tight and dry. Jojoba oil is easily absorbed by your skin via your hair follicles. i have literally tried every acne product on the market.,from high end to low end. A little goes a long way. It reduces clogged pores, while providing anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing support. Hi, Andrea! I read somewhere that oleic acid helps for dry skin and linoleic helps offset oily skin. It can be applied to the hair and scalp as a hair mask prior to washing. The main reason these 2 plant oils are often compared is because they share a key asset: high oleic and linoleic acid content. Hemp oil is great! For the most potent delivery, look for 100% jojoba or argan oil. … Argan oil has a rating of zero, meaning there is no risk of pore clogging (compared to jojoba oil which is rated a 2, giving it a slight risk). For acne, use as an oil cleanse. Then simply wash it away with shampoos to remove excess oil. She is a mother of three with a passion for helping people make the switch to non-toxic skincare. It is also a good food or cooking oil. Argan oil comes from the kernels of a tree native to Morocco. If you need to moisturize your skin, both oils are great for that use! Try out Tamanu oil, it has a balanced oleic to linoleic content and it works well at healing and repairing the skin. Olive oil — particularly extra-virgin olive oil — is a good all-around natural moisturizer and is recommended for dehydrated skin. I have tried both and have found jojoba to work better for me. I am currently having amazing results with this… doing oil cleansing with safflower oil and using the above blend as moisturizer (my acne has reduced and am getting to look younger)… I am not even at my 30s… Due to bad acne and further its treatments like chemical peels….blah blah blah where I wasted around half of my salary, my skin became very old.. my dad and husband felt so sad that I screwed up my beautiful face…. It comes with the same quality credentials as the Cliganic brand, but in a smaller bottle, with a dropper for distributing smaller amounts – ideal for delicate areas like the face, nails, or for smoothing through split ends. I think I’d go for Jojoba oil not because it’s cheaper but because it has anti-bacterial properties which is very important if you have acne. Treatment of dry skin: by the same token, oleic acid in jojoba oil can help your skin to boost oil production if your skin is lacking in it. On the other hand, argan oil is known for its ability to combat dry skin. The best oil choices for acne-prone skin are those higher in linoleic acid. Depending on your lifestyle and skin … It’s infused with prickly pear cactus oil and other skin care goodies such as avocado oil, apricot oil and coconut oil. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us! Hi I stumble upon your website when looking up the difference between argan oil and jojoba oil and I really love it! Nice article. My skin is much different when I am on benzoyl. haha). We need oil to keep our hair nourished, but overproduction can lead to a build up in the follicles that inhibit growth. I know how hard it is to have. Some people would disagree, however, and feel that Rosehip oil is the less greasy option. Rosehip Oil: Rosehip oil is extracted from the South African rosebush seeds. Almond oil is best known for it’s cleansing and anti-aging properties. 45%). Jojoba oil comes from a plant that is native to the American Southwest. Let me know if you have any more questions! Skin Status: Ah, my face. On the other hand, most people say that a little argan oil goes a long way. You’ll often see ‘Moroccan oil’ and ‘argan oil’ used interchangeably, as Morocco is the sole country of origin for argan oil. I am still using it, it doesn’t clog my pores although I will still need the weekly clay mask to exfoliate my skin. I will need to travel to my home in couple months… will I have the same GOOD result or do I need to bump into a change or I shall refrain from oils when at home.. ? This oil soothes and calms redness. 1.Cliganic 100% Pure & Natural Jojoba Oil, Possible Side Effects of Jojoba Oil vs Argan Oil, Top Benefits of Using Avocado Oil for Skin, Face and Hair, Rosehip Oil for Hair: Little Known Facts, Benefits, and Best 4 Brands, Benefits of Using Apricot Kernel Oil - On Skin and Hair, Rosehip Oil for Hair: Little Known Facts, Benefits, and Best Brands, Rose Oil Vs Rosehip Oil: Differences, Benefits, Usage, and Best Products. The jojoba oil molecule very closely resembles that of human sebum, or the oil produced by the skin. The color should be a pale gold, with a smooth texture, and a nutty aroma. thank you , Awe, thanks so much Sherin, we are so happy to have helped you <3. Argan oil for face can lend mineral sunscreens (which can sometimes have a powdery texture) a creaminess that makes them work for a greater variety of skin types. Jojoba oil and Argan oil are both promoted as hair care oils (as well as being promoted as skin care oils). Finding the right oil type is crucial, ideally, you should look for an oil with a low molecular size – jojoba, argan, for example, will allow the skin to absorb more easily, regulate the skins natural sebum production and replenish and restore the barrier function without causing excess oil … Argan oil is very rich and so is best applied to the hair shaft. This is mostly done by hand, making it a very lour-intensive process.
argan oil vs jojoba oil for skin 2021