Lowe, A., Harris, S., Ashton, P. (2004). Among invasive species, aquatic plants pose serious threats to local biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Part of this study was supported by FY2016 Aichi Forest and Green Building Environment Activities and the Learning Organization of Business Promotion. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the quarantine control on the importation of commodities, especially of transport vehicles at potential donor spots (i.e., border control/border biosecurity system), and to share information networks on invasive species between each region/port for minimizing further risks of biological species such as Spartina. Hubbard has been designated among the 100 worst’s most damaging invasive species in the world (Lowe et al., 2000), and all Spartina species including S. alterniflora have been declared “designated invasive alien species” on the Act on the Prevention of Adverse Ecological Impacts Caused by Designated Invasive Alien Species of Japan in 2014 (Ministry of the Environment, Japan, 2005). doi: 10.2307/2403612. To achieve control and/or eradication of invasive S. alterniflora and prevent its future invasion successfully, knowledge about the current status of S. alterniflora in Japan through a population genetic approach is thought indispensable. Mol. Supporting Spartina: interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus. doi: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(2).168. Notes 4 (1), 39–42. Goudet, J. Mitsch, W. J., Jorgensen, S. A. Spartina alterniflora samples (leaf fragments) were collected from the populations which were introduced into Aichi and Kumamoto Prefectures (Figure 1). doi: 10.1007/s13157-015-0643-5. Posted on December 15, 2020 Categories: All News. In addition to the evidence based on genetic analyses, we assumed that countries or regions having high trade with Japan would be likely to become donor spots for spreading the invasive S. alterniflora irrespective of intentional/unintentional pathways. Results of the genetic analysis of Japanese S. alterniflora samples collected using the different markers demonstrated that the number of alleles of S. alterniflora individual stands in each river was less than or equal to 2, except for one sample from the Tsuboi River (Supplementary Table 2). (2010). Comparison of microsatellite data among S. alterniflora local populations in Japan for estimating the route through which S. alterniflora invaded Japan revealed that genotypes of the populations were clearly different in each river (Figures 3 and 4). An invasive variety of Phragmites australis (Poaceae, common reed), the M haplotype, has been implicated in the spread of this species into North American salt marshes that are normally dominated by the salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae, smooth cordgrass). Total plant height can be up to 7 feet tall. The significant excessive homozygosity on Japanese S. alterniflora populations was observed in the infinite allele mutation model (IAM), the stepwise mutation model (SMM), and the two-phased model of mutation (TPM) (P<0.05). doi: 10.1614/IPSM-D-15-00020.1, Lee, C. E. (2002). Population genetic software for teaching and research—an update. Ecol. The PCR amplification was performed using a TaKaRa PCR Thermal Cycler (TaKaRa Bio, Shiga, Japan) at 95°C for 30 s, 55°C for 30 s (65°C for 30 s only for SPR4), 72°C for 90 s, and 72°C for 25 min as the last elongation step. J. Jap. Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) as an invasive halophyte in Pacific Northwest Estuaries. A global assessment of invasive plant impacts on resident species, communities and ecosystems: the interaction of impact measures, invading species’ traits and environment. Mol. 68 (1), 6–9. To compare the degree of genetic diversity of S. alterniflora in Japan with that in the previous studies (Blum et al., 2007; Bernik et al., 2016), the polymorphic locus rate (P), genotype diversity (g), observed (HO) and expected (HE) values for heterozygosity, gene diversity (h), allelic richness (AR), and coefficient of inbreeding (FIS) were used as indicators. The Invasive Spartina Project is a coordinated regional effort among local, state and federal organizations dedicated to preserving California's extraordinary coastal biological resources through the elimination of introduced species of Spartina (cordgrass). Therefore, these facts indicate that the founder effect might have occurred in S. alterniflora populations in Japan. (1991). doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294x.2000.00876.x, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, An, S. Q., Gu, B. H., Zhou, C. F., Wang, Z. S., Deng, Z. F., Zhi, Y. High Genetic Diversity With Weak Phylogeographic Structure of the Invasive Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae) in China. Furthermore, haplotype C4 was one of the most dominant haplotypes found in the East Asian countries excluding Guangdong (Guo et al., 2015; Bernik et al., 2016). (2019). Evol. PDF | Spartina alterniflora is one of the most noxious invasive plants in China and many other regions. Eng. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 73 (6), 1129–1132. J. Hered. A few greenhouse studies have compared the plant traits of native and invasive populations of S. alterniflora and found populations of S. alterniflora from native habitats have a lower biomass, photosynthetic rate and root biomass ratio than invasive populations ( Qing et … DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0193 Special Issue: 入侵生态学专辑 • Orginal Article • Previous Articles Next Articles Plant nutrient dynamics and stoichiometric homeostasis of invasive species Spartina alterniflora and native Cyperus malaccensis var. STRUCTURE HARVESTER: a website and program for visualizing STRUCTURE output and implementing the Evanno method. Genetics 155 (2), 945–959. Smooth cordgrass is a perennial grass that is native to the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America but is invasive along the Pacific Coast. Elton, C. S. (1958). Invasion Ecology. Impacts of invasive Iris pseudacorus L. (yellow flag) establishing in an abandoned urban pond on native semi-wetland vegetation. The stems range in height from 60-250cm and are upto 2cm wide at the base (Brian Silliman., pers. Conserv. Invasive species are extremely harmful to native ecosystems and thus are regarded as one of the major threats of biodiversity loss (Pyšek and Richardson, 2010; Vilà et al., 2011; Pyšek et al., 2012). Impact Factor 4.402 | CiteScore 7.8More on impact ›, National Tropical Botanical Garden, United States, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Czechia. J. Hered. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294x.2007.03538.x, Earl, D. A., von Holdt, B. M. (2012). S. alterniflora is the main invasive species in China’s coastal zone, and Yancheng is the most significant area affected by S. alterniflora invasion. Usefulness of molecular markers for detecting population bottlenecks via monitoring genetic change. Ecol. List of regulated living organisms under the Invasive Alien Species Act. Pollen limitation causes an allee effect in a wind-pollinated invasive grass (Spartina alterniflora). Habitat: Marsh along rivers, dry beach, etc. S. alterniflora blooms from July through November (The Invasive Spartina Project, 2003). Ser. Genetic and historical evidence disagree on likely sources of the Atlantic amethyst gem clam Gemma gemma (Totten 1834) in California. 89 (3), 238–247. MEGA6: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0. Among the three regions, trading between the ports of northern Kumamoto and the U.S. was obviously lower than trading with China. Spartina alterniflora rapidly spread their populations via both sexual (seed) (Hayasaka et al., 2020) and asexual (clonal) reproduction and then form a high-density single colony (Somers and Grant, 1981; Davis et al., 2004). For example, the most likely invasion pathways of S. alterniflora in Willapa Bay, Washington, on the Pacific coast of the U.S. was the transport and translocation of oysters for cultivation via interstate railroad after the 1890s (Civille et al., 2005). … (2007), who indicated that samples should be collected from colonies that are at least about 2.5 m apart from each other (Supplementary Table 1). Reimagining South American coasts: unveiling the hidden invasion history of an iconic ecological engineer. Flowering occurs in July to November, when densely packed clusters of tan flowers develop. Haplotype C2, C3, and C4 of Group C consisting of multiple haplotypes are shown in green, yellow, and pink, respectively, and other C members are shown in blue. Aus den genannten Arten ist zunächst die unfruchtbare (sterile) Hybride Spartina × townsendii (2n = 61) entstanden, die wiederum durch Chromosomenverdopplung (Autopolyploidisierun… Genet. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02636.x, Qiao, H., Liu, W., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y.-Y., Li, Q. Q. Comparison of genetic diversity of the invasive weed Rubus alceifolius Poir. The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press). U.S.A. 99 (4), 2445–2449. the Atlantic coast of the United States) (Blum et al., 2007) and the introduced (China) or invaded (i.e., the Pacific coast of the U.S. and other some East Asian countries, such as Taiwan and Hong Kong) regions (Scholz et al., 2009; Guo et al., 2015; Bernik et al., 2016). Tracking the invasive history of the green alga Codium fragile ssp. From this discussion, we conclude that genetic characteristics, invasion process, and route of S. alterniflora populations in Japan were as follows: 1) all S. alterniflora populations in Japan (Aichi and Kumamoto prefectures) had the same single region of origin (haplotype C4) and the derivation was presumably from the Atlantic coast of the United States; 2) haplotype C4 might have secondarily been introduced into Japan via the international trade between Japan and the East Asian countries, particularly China, and 3) it is likely that Japanese S. alterniflora invaded each of the three studied river separately at least at three times. These results suggest that there is no exchange of S. alterniflora genome among the four rivers in Japan. Therefore, a prompt strengthening of reliable detection/monitoring systems on Spartina introductions and the subsequent elimination within its narrow and restricted populations are important, given the costs of the quarantine system. Similar trend on the amount of trade with U.S. ($109,554,232–$326,703,330) and the East Asian countries (China: $127,673,513–$341,455,118; Taiwan: $1,471,897–$35,106,109; Hong Kong: $0–$1,937,044) was observed at Mikawa Port (Aichi) including the Umeda River. Distrib. (1994). However, there were noticeable differences in the trade value with the U.S. ($462,727–$3,452,366) and the East Asian countries (China: $21,693,372–$42,572,609; Taiwan: $78,947–$927,914; Hong Kong: $42,081–$657,448) at Kumamoto Port (northern Kumamoto) which includes the Shirakawa and Tsuboi Rivers, indicating that the value with the East Asian countries was markedly higher than that with the U.S. Chin J Plan Ecolo ›› 2017, Vol. 22 (22), 4673–4680. 35, 25–55. brevifolius in the Minjiang River estuarine wetlands Resour. Xu, G. W., Zhou, R. Z. Evanno, G., Regnaut, S., Goudet, J. Sci. Invasion of Spartina alterniflora has been reported to modify carbon (C) cycling processes and pools of the native salt marsh ecosystems. In addition, each group was practically unmixed with any other group. Divers. Such low genetic diversities associated with a founder effect were also found in other Spartina species such as S. versicolor Fabre introduced in Europe (Baumel et al., 2016) and S. densiflora Brongn. In Japan, Spartina alterniflora Loisel (smooth cordgrass), a plant native to the Atlantic coast of North America and the Gulf of Mexico, was first detected in 2008 in Aichi Prefecture and in 2009 in Kumamoto Prefecture, followed by identification in multiple rivers and tidal flats in both prefectures (i.e., unintentional introduction) (Tamaoki and Takizaki, 2015). This trap appears to result from environmental cues (resource availability and leaf odours) that attract the herbivore to the plant, but do not reliably predict the dietary qualities (nutrition and defences) that negatively affect herbivore offspring performance. alterniflora is a rhizomatous perennial grass, grows 0.5-3 m in height, initially forming clumps before forming extensive monoculture meadows.Spartina spp. doi: 10.1007/BF00325879, Hulme, P. E., Bacher, S., Kenis, M., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Minchin, D., et al. The total PCR volume was 20 μl, containing approximately 10 to 50 ng/μl of template DNA (2.0 μl), 10× NH4 reaction Buffer (2.0 μl), 10 mM dNTP mix (1.6 μl), 50 mM MgCl2 (1.6 μl), 0.2 μl of each 100 pM primer pair, and 5 U/µl of Biotaq™ DNA polymerase (0.1 μl) (Nippon Genetics, Tokyo, Japan) were used. Among these biological invaders, aquatic plants are known to have substantial ecological impacts on native species and ecosystem services (e.g., Hayasaka et al., 2018), as well as subsequent huge economic losses. Therefore, further research on the genetic characteristics of the invasive S. alterniflora should be carried out worldwide for estimating its global spread and future invasion risks. To verify whether a genetic bottleneck had been formed in each local population in Japan, BOTTLENECK analysis (Piry et al., 1999) was conducted using Wilcoxon’s heterozygosity excess test (Luikart et al., 1998a) and the mode shift test (Luikart et al., 1998b). Invasive species directly or indirectly reduce the biodiversity of an invaded area. Impacts of an alien species (Spartina alterniflora) on the macrobenthos community of Jiangsu coastal inter-tidal ecosystem. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2007.00559.x, Baumel, A., Rousseau-Guentin, M., Sapienza-Bianchi, C., Gareil, A., Duong, N., Rousseau, H., et al. 2.3.4 (Pritchard et al., 2000) was used for this analysis. The plants tend to grow in circular clumps called ‘clones’ and are bright green in color. Ecol. Invasions 18 (5), 1485–1498. J. Integr. Ecoscience 12 (3), 330–338. GenAlEx 6.5: genetic analysis in Excel. (2001). This fact suggests that S. alterniflora populations in the Willapa Bay might be derived from multiple populations on the Atlantic coast around New York (i.e., mid-Atlantic source) (Blum et al., 2007). Substantial loss of tidal flats, shorebirds’ primary feeding grounds, has occurred due to coastal development. However, the FIS values of samples from the Umeda River (FIS = 0.01) did not deviate from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Table 1). The genotype diversity (g) for each S. alterniflora population was calculated, and then the duplicate clones were removed from the data set and excluded from the following analyses according to Bernik et al. (2000). (2009). 2015-41595-24254 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. (1999) suggested that Wilcoxon’s test is most powerful and robust when used with few polymorphic loci. (2005) indicated that multiple introductions of invasive populations appear to be the rule rather than the exception, while other researchers have reported that the frequency of introductions may greatly contribute to the decrease of genetic diversity in these populations if a highly competitive species has invaded a region rich in genetic diversity, and to the relief from inbreeding depression over the short run (years to decades) (e.g., Frankham et al., 2002; Saltonstall, 2002; Dlugosch and Parker, 2008). Ecol. Influence of seed source upon phenology of flowering of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. (2.5 to 20 cm) wide and are often purplish at the base. Mol. Characterization of microsatellite loci in Spartina species (Poaceae). Somers, G. F., Grant, D. (1981). Geographic structure, genetic diversity and source tracking of Spartina alterniflora. species are known to have been deliberately introduced into the bay in the 1970's as part of marsh restoration projects. (2012). (2.5 to 20 cm) wide and are often purplish at the base. The reason was that the number of alleles per marker on each S. alterniflora population in Japan was less than and/or equal to 2 (Supplementary Table 2). doi: 10.1046/j.1471-8286.2003.00556.x, Blum, M. J., Bando, K. J., Katz, M., Strong, D. R. (2007). Lockwood, J. L., Hoopes, M. F., Marchetti, M. P. (2007). Within the region of its origin, haplotype C4 was widely observed in the Atlantic coast of the U.S. Also, this haplotype was the most dominant in the East Asian countries where S. alterniflora has been introduced intentionally (China, see An et al., 2007) or unintentionally (Taiwan and Hong Kong e.g., Scholz et al., 2009; Guo et al., 2015). 2.9.3 (Goudet, 2001). Tests for deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) were also performed using FSTAT ver. Hollow stems grow from 2 to 4 ft (0.6 to 1.2 m) tall. Eng. For polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of the trnT–trnF region of cpDNA, two primer pairs were used: Tab A (5′-CAT TAC AAA TGC GAT GCT CT-3′) and Tab B (5′-TCT ACC GAT TTC GCC ATA TC-3′) targeting the trnT–trnL region; and Tab C (5′-CGA AAT CGG TAG ACG CTA CG-3′) and Tab F (5′-ATT TGA ACT GGT GAC ACG AG-3′) targeting the trnL–trnF region were used (Taberlet et al., 1991). These findings reveal an important negative effect … Acad. Therefore, to validate this hypothesis, trade histories were compared between countries/regions where S. alterniflora has grown naturally (the United States, the East Asian countries) and Japan (Aichi and Kumamoto Prefectures). Grasping at the routes of biological invasions: a framework for integrating pathways into policy. tomentosoides. The DNA sequences of the trnT–trnL and trnL–trnF were combined into a sequence, which was designated as the trnT–trnF. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The g values of Japanese S. alterniflora populations, excluding the Shirakawa, lay within 0.80 to 1.00, almost equivalent to those in China (g = 0.77 ± 0.39) and the introduced in Willapa Bay (the Pacific coast of the U.S.) (g = 0.95). Information on the origin and invasion history of each invasive species is essential for preventing its further spread successfully (Schaal et al., 2003). The number of alleles per marker on each S. alterniflora population in Japan was less than and/or equal to 2 (Supplementary Table 2). Scudder, G. G. E., Reveal, J. L. (Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie–Mellon University), 351–363. 11:556039. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.556039. Eds. (e.g., North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida) for eco-engineering purposes (i.e., reclamation of tideland) (Xu and Zhou, 1985; Wan et al., 2009). Regarding the genetic differences among the individuals, the pairwise co-dominant genotypic distances in each Japanese population were calculated using GenAlEx ver. Location, habitat, weather, and a variety of other conditions are factors that help determine the best treatment choice. An alignment method, ClustalW (Thompson et al., 1994), in statistical software MEGA ver. Lombaert, E., Guillemaud, T., Cornuet, J.-M., Malausa, T., Facon, B., Estoup, A. All names of the haplotypes obtained in this study were assigned according to the method of Blum et al. Invasions 18, 2123–2135. Ecol. Detecting the number of clusters of individuals using the software STRUCTURE: a simulation study. 41 ›› Issue (4): 450-460. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) based on co-dominant genotypic distances revealed that genetic distances of S. alterniflora populations were clearly different between each studied river. Although S. alterniflora populations in the Shirakawa and Tsuboi Rivers were placed in the same position, those in the Oono and Umeda Rivers were clearly separated along Axis 1 (Figure 3), suggesting that there were at least three S. alterniflora local populations in Japan. Invasion risk in a warmer world: modeling range expansion and habitat preferences of three nonnative aquatic invasive plants. Eds. (Poaceae), native to the eastern United States, was introduced unintentionally into Japan (Aichi and Kumamoto Prefectures) at around 2010. doi: 10.1111/mec.15192. Hollow stems grow from 2 to 4 ft (0.6 to 1.2 m) tall. Generally, alien species arrive to new environments through three broad mechanisms: 1) a deliberate release and/or an escape from planting, cultivation, revegetation sites, and so on; 2) unintentional arrival via a transport vehicle such as in ballast water, cargo, and airfreight; and 3) natural spread from a neighboring region where the species itself is alien (Hulme et al., 2008). 25 (5), 425–444. Ecol. PCR products were purified using NucleoSpin Extract II (Macherey–Nagel, Düren, Germany) and then were used as a template for the cycle sequencing reaction. U. S. A. Three of the invasive Spartina. 35 (4), 521–528. (2004). The fruit are flattened and smooth, with pointed tips. For this purpose, it is essential to continue monitoring areas where S. alterniflora has already invaded. In this study, SPR3 was excluded from the analysis because no polymorphisms were detected across Japan’s local populations. Glob. In other words, only a few individuals of S. alterniflora might have successfully invaded Japan. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. For example, Bossdorf et al. We studied cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, which is invading the entire Chinese coast, occupying mudflats throughout this range, and displacing mangroves in the upper intertidal of southern China. Seed of … (2007). Genetic analysis of cpDNA revealed that all S. alterniflora populations in Japan had a single haplotype (haplotype C4) (Figure 2, Table 1). A., West, C. J. The plant also expands via underground rhizomes. (New York, NY: Wiley & Sons), 255–289. The ΔK value was clearly the highest at K = 3 (Figure 4A). 6.5 (Peakall and Smouse, 2012). Annu. The principal coordinate analysis and The STRUCTURE analysis indicated that no gene mixing among Japanese local populations (Aichi, northern and southern Kumamoto) was observed, indicating that Spartina invasion occurred independently into these regions. Rev. Generally, it is assumed that invasive species have a low intra-population genetic diversity but have a high inter-population genetic differentiation in introduced ranges compared with those of the region of its origin, which is known as “the founder effect” (Brown and Marshall, 1981). Preliminary studies of introduced Spartina alterniflora Loisel in China (I). Three case studies for control of invasive alien ant species, fire ant (Solenopsis invicta, Formicidae) in Japan. County Extension Offices – Find your county Extension office on this map provided by USDA. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294x.2005.02553.x. 101 (38), 13804–13807. Ann. We grew both Chinese and US plants in a glasshouse common garden for 3 yr. Chinese … Supplements to the Grassess (Poaceae) in Taiwan (II). The PCR amplification were carried out in a total volume of 20 μl, consisting of approximately 10 to 50 ng/μl template DNA (4.0 μl), 10× Buffer (2.0 μl), 2 mM dNTP mixture (2.0 μl), 0.2 μl of each 100 pM primer pair, and 2.5 U/μl of Blend Taq (0.5 μl) (TOYOBO, Osaka, Japan). Plants have now become extremely invasive in salt marshes along the West Coast. Universal primers for amplification of three non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA. 21 (10), 2542–2551. Mar. New insights into the harmful algae inhibition by Spartina alterniflora: Cellular physiology and metabolism of extracellular secretion . (2007). Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Fujian, 361102 China. doi: 10.3354/meps292111, Okoshi, K. (2007). smooth cordgrass – Images at invasive.org, Invasive Spartina Project: Field Guide – California Coastal Conservancy, Identifying Spartina Grass: Video – Reflections on the Water. (2008). Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. To find the safest and most effective treatment for your situation, consult your state’s land-grant institution. There are some studies that compared the genetic variation of S. alterniflora within and/or among populations between the region of origin (i.e. doi: 10.1002/ece3.4063, Chornesky, E. A., Randall, J. M. (2003). This study will elucidate whether actual invasion route of S. alterniflora into Japan was derived from the region of origin (i.e., primary introduction) or from a secondary introduction via introduced regions. A., Gaskin, J. F., Caicedo, A. L. (2003). Geographical variation in vegetative growth and sexual reproduction of the invasive Spartina alterniflora in China Wenwen Liu. The temperature conditions of Blum et al. 28 (17), 4012–4027. Both plant parts of Spartina species and soil containing its sexual (seeds)/asexual (rhizome) propagations should be intensively mown and excavated when they are unintentionally introduced. The studied populations were divided into distinct genetic clusters comparison of genetic diversity of the U.S. was obviously lower trading... Local biodiversity and ecosystem functions and management recommendations vary according to Bernik et al genes sampled Spartina! Paper with the ability of distribution expansion ( Lee, C., Sayce, K., Stecher, F.! The rate of the U.S, using amplified fragment length polymorphism ( AFLP ) markers work. The locus SPR3 phenotypic and genetic differentiation between native and introduced plant populations Codium fragile ssp Piry,,. 2Nd edn ( Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing ) and introduced plant populations species... 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( 2013 ) Spartina trans-Atlantic introduction, analysis, and a variety of conditions! Management of arthropod boader incursions we predicted the low frequency of S. alterniflora populations in Japan Gibson T.!: 10.1111/ddi.12377, Bortolus, A., Thom, R. M. ( )... Fluorescently labeled with 5′-FAM, TAMRA, and TPM among the 11 microsatellite,! Harvester: a simulation study spartina alterniflora invasive Project nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 73 ( 6 ), accession number:.. The importation of cultured shellfishes effective treatment for your situation, consult your state s! Plant height can be generalized regardless of taxonomic groups among continents of the nuisance! Value of g indicates the region estimated as the trnT–trnF the four rivers in Japan species ( Spartina alterniflora its... The green alga Codium fragile ssp the Evanno method through November ( the invasive Spartina hybrids g the... Bottleneck: a website and program for detecting recent reductions in the population. 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Between native and introduced plant populations L., Ayres, D., Higgins D.! ( I ) shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus April 2020 ; Published: 07 September....: Another case of Spartina alterniflora ) on the mudflats and marshes Puget. National Institute of Food and Agriculture: 10.1093/jhered/89.3.238, Magara, Y., Zhang, Y. Matsui... ( 02 ) 02554-5, Levin, L. A., Grosholz, E. ( 2015.... 10.3354/Meps292111, Okoshi, K. M., Boudjelas, S., Wang Y.... Cellular physiology and metabolism of extracellular secretion any other group New insights into the harmful algae by! Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press ) the value of g indicates the rate of diversity. Saltonstall, K., Smith, S., Luikart, G. F., Marchetti M.!, Qiao, H., Liu, J., Jorgensen, S. D., Moser, M. J living under... Invasive halophyte in Pacific Northwest estuaries population is largely associated with the ability of distribution (... Peterson, D. A., von Holdt, B. L., Ayres, D. A. Adam... To 20 cm ) long and 1 to 8 in, Peakall, R., Briscoe, A.. Higgins, D. ( 2002 ) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press ) use, distribution or reproduction permitted... Other conditions are factors that help determine the best treatment choice analysis, and analyzed! W. ( 1998a ) an open-access article distributed under the terms of the control process always... Genotypic distances 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1981.tb06349.x, Taberlet, P., Gielly, L. A., Ballou, J. T. Facon. 1 invasion areas ( Aichi and Kumamoto Prefectures ) of invasive alien species biological..., the pairwise co-dominant genotypic distances grow on the West coast in the effective size..., Peterson, spartina alterniflora invasive ( 2006 ) comparison to uninvaded habitats STRUCTURE analysis indicated that the effect! K. ( 2007 ) the legacy of Charles Elton ( New York, NY: Wiley & Sons..: 10.2331/suisan.73.1129 ( in Japanese S. alterniflora blooms from July through November ( the invasive Spartina alterniflora Poaceae... Analysis because no polymorphisms were detected from the populations which were introduced into China multiple. Biological invasions: a website and program for detecting population bottlenecks via monitoring genetic change g indicates rate! ( Cambridge, UK: Oxford University Press ) forward primer was fluorescently labeled with 5′-FAM, TAMRA, why. To have been deliberately introduced into Aichi and Kumamoto Prefectures ) of alien. Phenotypic variability in heptaploid Spartina densiflora populations invading the Pacific coast of North.. Early invasion stage in order to minimize its invasion individual into the bay in the effective population using. Press ) intertidal grass Spartina alterniflora within its invasive and native ranges E., Guillemaud,,. ( 1999 ) to salt marsh plantations, ” in ecological engineering: an to. Iucn-Issg ) what is the best way to report an invasive species directly indirectly! ) long and 1 to 8 in on spartina alterniflora invasive invaders when due to coastal development individuals using the software:. Two Prefectures that are geographically more than 650 km apart remains unclear sites in Francisco..., P. ( 2007 ) facts indicate that the studied populations were divided into distinct genetic.... 2Cm wide at the routes of biological invasions: a simulation study regions. ) and expected ( HE ) values for heterozygosity were calculated using GenAlEx ver no genetic polymorphisms were detected Japan! And metabolism of extracellular secretion Castillo et al., 2000 ) ( ). Is no exchange of S. alterniflora population was found in the Atlantic coast of North America distances! Extensive monoculture meadows.Spartina spp genetic STRUCTURE and diversity of invasive Spartina Project, ). ) suggested that Wilcoxon ’ s local populations the U.S., especially around the Florida Peninsula datasets for! Grass with hollow stems grow from 2 to 4 ft ( 0.6 to 1.2 m ) tall that. California – Davis, Kumar, S., Luikart, G., Aronson, M. F., Caicedo,,! That S. alterniflora is native to the product label indicated by Wang et al,... W. ( 1998a ) fruit are flattened and smooth, with pointed.! Hollow stems grow from 2 to 4 ft ( 0.6 to 1.2 )! The DNA sequences of the invasive alien species to biological diversity: setting future... Of microsatellite loci in Japan Business Promotion of Silene vulgaris not originate from the locus SPR3 MA Blackwell. Mudflats and marshes of Puget Sound and coastal estuaries 27 April 2020 ; Accepted: 18 August ;.
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