What is the (opportunity) cost, in dollars, of purchasing the frog? The Canadian government is considering whether to spend $200 million on new hospitals or $200 million on new fighter jets. A. Opportunity cost is the value of something when a particular course of action is chosen. b. Assuming the family spends its entire budget on just these two goods,... John is trying to decide how to divide his time between his job as a stocker in the local grocery store, which pays $7 per hour for as many hours as he chooses to work, and cleaning windows for the... Adam and Barb can switch between producing computers and producing smartphones. A. In Bolt each worker... With respect to water procurement, men actually have a higher opportunity cost as they fetch most of the water in regions where water availability is low. The price of the admission pass, b. College-age athletes who drop out of college to play professional sports: a) Are not rational decision-makers, b) Are well aware that the opportunity cost of attending college is very high, c) Are... Barb's aunt gave her $100 for her birthday with the condition that Barb buys herself something. Kurt is a professional golfer, who use to work as an engineer. In the Ricardian model, you always produce only the goods you have a comparative advantage in producing. Consider a nation that produces baseball mitts and soccer balls. It only applies to market transaction, not non-market transactions. If Shawn can produce donuts at a lower opportunity cost than Sue, then: a. Shawn has a comparative advantage in the production of donuts, b. Using an example in your professional life, identify a situation where you were presented with a choice, the opportun... What is opportunity cost? Explain carefully the opportunity costs of a mother's time, what may lead these to change over time, and what effects these changes have on family decisions. What are its basic features and alternatives? Define opportunity cost. d. $1.50. If she does not go to college, she will earn $... For which of the following individuals would the opportunity cost of going to college be highest? In a month, Carlos can produce a maximum of either 30 bushels of pears or 15 bushels of apples, or any linear combination in between. Suppose you have won a free ticket to see a Bruce Springsteen concert. (D) This is an example of (constant / increasing / decreasing / zero) opportunity cost per unit for Good A. The highest-valued alternative that must be sacrificed as a result of choosing among alternatives is called the of the alternative chosen. FYI- To hire someone to shov... What is an example of how the Principle of Opportunity Cost applies to your life? Various resources will be used to execute the mission and sacrifices will be made to use these resources. If your friend chooses to quit work for a whole year to go back to school, for example, the opportunity cost of this decision is the year’s worth of lost wages. I can choose between going to the movies with friends or going to a party. Simply put, the opportunity cost is what you must forgo in order to get something. What is Derek's opportunity cost of producing pie? Barb uses 1.5 hours to produce 1 compute... Answer true or false The opportunity cost of producing in low-income, developing countries rises over the product cycle, according to theory. What is the reason for the law? a. the economic perspective. The economy is unable to produce increasing quantities of goods and services, b. Read a good novel (you value this at $13), or c. Go to work (you could earn $20). 2.5 dozen roses b. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree, Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. Bond Company budgets the following purchases of direct materials for the first quarter of the year: Particulars January February March Budgeted purchases $150,000 $120,000 $90,000 All purchases of... An opportunity set is: a. the group of available options open to a consumer. ii. b. the price of the ticket plus the cost of any soda and popcorn you buy at the theater. b. productive efficiency. Suppose your management professor has been offered a corporate job with a 30 percent pay increase. Three bushels of corn, b. Assume there are two nations each producing two goods, X and Y, and they only trade with each other. Maria was earning 100,000 euros a year working at a bank. 4 cheeses. What is the (opportunity) cost of purchasing the frog? II. Referring to the table below, what is the opportunity cost of tea in terms of coffee? The opportunity cost of one unit of Weapons Grade Plutonium in France is _____ and the opportunity cost of one unit of Organic Tofu in France is _____. 1. Who has the absolute advantage in making chocolate? What are examples of each? a. economic profits = total revenue - implicit costs b. economic profits = total revenue - explicit costs c. economic prof... What is an opportunity cost? answer! Suppose the current combination of the two products is 4 ba... For most students, the earnings they give up to attend college are: a) A minor cost when compared to the costs of tuition, room and board, and the like, b) The single largest cost of their educatio... For most students, the largest single cost of a college education is: a) The wages are given up to attend school, b) Tuition, fees, and books, c) Room and board, d) Transportation, parking, and ent... Hamid spends an hour studying instead of watching TV with his friends. The opportunity cost of using this building as office space for your own business is the aggregate value of all of the foregone alternative uses for the space. Suppose the Navy is buying 100 new computers to replace older and slower computers across a few bases. This decision carried with it a: a. zero... Illustrate opportunity cost with a production possibilities curve (this would involve any two products and numbers). 2 breads. The unit cost to manufacturing one unit of Z is presented below. He has decided to take the job. Each acre can support 20 apple trees. Suppose Tammy grew up on a farm and is very good at plowing. Her opportunity cost of working is a. the $24 she earns working. An opportunity cost a. is impossible to measure. If he goes to college, he will spend $21,000 on tuition, $11,000 on room and board, and $1,800 on books. Assuming you are the chief executive officer (CEO) of Walmart, describe a situation in which you would use marginal analysis to make a business decision. However, if the alternative project gives a single and immediate benefit, the opportunity costs can be added to the total costs incurred in C 0. Lesson summary: Opportunity cost and the PPC. It takes the US 50 units of labor to produce one ton of sugar and 200 units of labor to produce one crane. In one hour, Robinson can catch seven fish or harvest five coconuts. The money price of a box of ramen noodles is _____. Buford Company rents out a small unused portion of its factory to another company for $1,000 per month. In one day, Tommy can produce 4 term papers for 12 study guides. c. downward-sloping demand. For each location, the tabl... What is the opportunity cost of investing in capital? Next lesson. If John can wash a car in 75 minutes and wash a dog in 15 minutes, and Maria can wash a car in 40 minutes and wash a dog in 10 minutes, which of the following statements is true? Go ahead and submit it to our experts to be answered. (C) The opportunity cost of increasing production of Good A from two units to three units is the loss of six unit(s) of Good B. Opportunity cost is equal to implicit costs plus explicit costs. If she goes to college, she will spend $20,000 on tuition, $10,000 on room and board, and $2,000 on books. a). All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Discuss what the opportunity cost of attending college is for you, noting that the concepts of opportunity costs and explicit monetary costs are not the same. © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. b. If the existing firms are earning positive economic profits in your market, there is an incentive for other firms to enter this market. What is the opportunity cost of investing in human capital? b. Assume that the rental cost of ski equipment is $120 and the lift ticket costs $66. Therefore, in calculating net initial investment outlay, analysts need to ignore the sunk costs but include opportunity costs in their analysis. In the graph below, the opportunity cost in equilibrium is represented by area A. Opportunity cost is defined as the A. difference between the benefits from a choice and the costs of that choice. Chandler takes four hours to bake 1 loaf of br... Isaac has four potential jobs to consider, each with different salary offers. True or false? China can produce a bushel of corn with three workers and a bushel of rice with two workers. Discuss how to make decisions, based on opportunity cost. Opportunity Cost = 2% The opportunity cost of choosing the software company stock as an investment carrier is 2%. The production possibilities for country Y are either 2,000 bushels of soybeans or 4,000... John is an athlete. The house that Jeanne inherited from her mother can be rented for $2000/month, but Jeanne decides to allow her brother to stay there for only half of that. If Fran can produce either 15 pizzas or 50 cheesecakes per da... Juan can either mow 2 lawns or clean 4 windows in 5 hours. c. can be measured only when the decision involves ex... Two friends, Monica and Chandler, enjoy baking bread and making apple pies. a. tuition at a state university. If he were to sell the shop, he could earn 6% annually on the proceeds. Simon and Erica give up their lecturing jobs in the Economics Department to set up their own consulting firm. Comparative advantage, b. True or false: The discount rate, hurdle rate or opportunity cost of capital all mean the same. Kris charges $30 an hour. Tom just completed high school and is trying to determine whether to go to university for two years or directly to work. Simon and Erica earned $50,000 per year each as lecturers. What is the opportunity cost in economics? Choosing this desert (usuall… The states that the opportunity cost of producing a good always rises as you produce more of it. c. one half dozen eggs. An electrician quits her current job, which pays $40,000 per year. Should Peyton Manning mow his own lawn? You can spend it today or you can put the money in a bank account for a year and earn 5 percent interest. 250 houses C. 50 houses. (x) The opportunity cost of the first 50 tables is 400 chairs and the opportunity cost of the first 800 chairs is 20 tables. Zero opportunity Cost: Opportunity cost refers to the benefit or value of the alternative that is given up in order to make another choice. The machine in your example has no alternative use and hence has zero opportunity cost. Suppose Janet is currently using Combination C, producing two cars per day. Investors expect the stock to pay a year-end dividend of $3. Explain whether the following statement is true or false. a) The money a student could have earned by working if he had not gone to college, b) The nap a student could ha... A highly-paid research scientist works 12 hours a day, while a common laborer works only 5 hours a day. a. d. inferior goods. If the price of a pizza is $12 then when the price of a cup of coffee falls from $4 to $3 _____. D. an explicit cost. But, if no such alternative exists, no opportunity cost is involved in keeping it idle. It can also be referred to as the value of the foregone alternative. Consider Frank's decision to go to college. He earned $80,000 as an engineer but now earns $400,000 as a golfer. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. $... A firm's opportunity cost of producing a good equals the A. explicit cost. b. the sum of all opportunity costs confronting a consumer. What is its opportunity cost in this situation? For which of the following decisions are opportunity costs relevant? Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. b. the improvement in his grades f... Mallory decides to spend three hours working overtime rather than watching a video with her friends. She can take a job with another firm for $45,000 per year or work for herself. Why must these questions be asked? We like the idea of a bargain. If you were the chief executive officer (CEO) of Johnson and Johnson, describe a situation in which you would use marginal analysis to make a business decision. She earns $20 per hour for overtime work. The total amount of ca... A University offers a free shuttle service around campus. Sometimes people are very happy holding on to the naive view that something is free. Access the answers to hundreds of Opportunity cost questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. After reviewing proposals, the city decide... A small country produces two goods: mp3 players and music downloads. Opportunity cost is often used by investors to compare investments, but the concept can be applied to many different scenarios. The unit cost to manufacture 1 unit of KJ37 is presented below. b. Given the following opportunity loss function, determine the loss when 7,000 units are sold. b. the value of the best opportunity a student gives u... Economists use the phrase "There is no such thing as a free lunch," to illustrate the principle that a. inflation almost always results in higher prices over time. 1 bread. Further, during the term, you can only work part-time and... Al can make 10 chocolates and 5 candies a year and Betty can make 30 chocolates and 10 candies a year. This person's opportunity cost of one bushel of wheat is: a) three bushels of corn b) one-third of... For country A to have a comparative advantage in the production of agricultural products means that, relative to country B, with the same resources: a) country A is better at producing agricultural... Amanda likes to eat bananas and apples with her lunch between classes. b. exists for every decision made by individuals and businesses, but not by the government. The opportunity cost of an activity is: a) The sum of benefits from all of the sacrificed alternatives, b) The amount of money spent on the activity, c) The value of the best alternative not chosen... You have the choice of going on vacation to Florida for one week, staying at work for the week, or spending the week doing fix-up projects around your house. Example of Zero Opportunity cost Opportunity cost exists only where there is alternative use of resource, in case there is no use of available resource then opportunity cost is deemed to be nil. Suppose a person can produce either two bushels of wheat per hour or six bushels of corn per hour. She decided to start her own financial consultancy business. However, the 3 acres differ in their ability to support orange trees. B. Her opportunity cost of producing a second car per day is _____ per day. B. implicit cost. The tickets have no resale value. A. A. Suppose you've just inherited $10,000 from a relative. If this nation devotes all its resources and technology to produce good A, the maximum it can produce is 30 units in a... What are opportunity costs, and some examples in every day life? The opportunity cost of holding money is: a. zero. a) tuition at a state university. Opportunity cost refers to: A. the prices paid to an opportunity shop B. wants that are given up in order to get something else C. unwanted resources D. cost use to produce resources. The adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch," means a. even people on welfare have to pay for food. What is the opportunity cost of making cars in South Korea? An example of an opportunity cost is: a) the cost of pursuing a business opportunity. Ashanti's opportunity cost for each additional dog walked is: a. In any particular hour, you can knit 1 hat or 0.5 scarves. Which one of the following is not an example of the opportunity cost of military expenditures? She has 8 hours a day to produce toys. One example of a zero-cost trading strategy is the zero-cost cylinder. Here are three things you could do: a. You're trying to decide whether to put the $10,000 in a non-interest-bearing account so that you can use it whenever you want (that is, hold i... What does increasing marginal opportunity costs mean? Green Metro, Inc. is a company interested in public transportation projects in developing countries. A firm has the current liabilities and equity financing on its balance sheet. Complete the following statement about the relationship between the interest rate and speculative balances. Suppose after graduating from college you get a job working at a bank earning $30,000 per year. ... the curve demonstrates the concept of opportunity cost. a. law of increasing relative cost b. law of positive economics c. law of demand d. production possi... You graduate from the University in 3 months. You could also rent the land to another farmer... What is an opportunity cost, and why is the term important in economics? (c) usually less than the dollar value of the item. If the cost of debt is the lowest choice among... Flotation costs: a. include the fees paid to the... You are comparing two possible capital structures... Price Elasticity of Supply in Microeconomics, Understanding the Demand Curve in Microeconomics, Substitution & Income Effects: Impacts on Supply & Demand, Elasticity in Economics: Practice Problems, Income Elasticity of Demand in Microeconomics, Using Market Forces to Manipulate Supply and Demand, Price Elasticity of Demand in Microeconomics, Price Ceilings and Price Floors in Microeconomics, Indifference Curves: Use & Impact in Economics, Absolute Advantage in Trade: Definition and Examples, Opportunity Cost: Definition, Calculations & Examples, How the Government Uses Taxes & Subsidies, Microeconomic Shifts in Supply and Demand Curves, Identifying Shortages and Surpluses in Microeconomics, College Macroeconomics: Homework Help Resource, Introduction to Macroeconomics: Help and Review, Principles of Macroeconomics: Certificate Program, College Macroeconomics: Tutoring Solution, CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics: Study Guide & Test Prep, Business 104: Information Systems and Computer Applications, To learn more about the information we collect, how we use it and your choices visit our, Biological and Biomedical Describe (in your own words) the concept of opportunity cost. Also, how could the student maximize his net benefit after receiving his college degree? Give examples. A. b. the best alternative given up in order to build the stadium. a) Marginal rate of return b) Internal rate of return c) Opportunity cost d) Sunk cost. Initially, suppose Bellissima uses 1 million hours of labor per week to produce corn and 3 million hours per week to produce jeans, while Felicidad uses 3 million hours of labor per week to produce... Frances is a skilled toymaker who is able to produce both trucks and drums. State true or false and justify your answer: People face identical opportunity costs when making decisions. Suppose that The Salt River Project (SRP) has a acquired a large amount of land on the outskirts of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area and is deciding between: i) constructing a large-scale solar farm... Ms. Garcia decides to work five hours the night before her economics exam. Consider the winter activity of skiing. A few examples of opportunity cost. You run a florist shop in your town. Which of the following are part of a firm's opportunity costs? In an economy, when interest rates are increasing: A. it decreases the opportunity cost of future consumption but has no effect on the opportunity cost of the present consumption. What is an opportunity cost, and how does the idea relate to the definition of economics? c. opportunity costs. When Lucy chose a major, she likely thought about her skills. 10 12 0 1 GOOD A G O O D B 2 3 6 8 2 4 Figure 1.2 Production Possibilities Curve 2 The opportunity cost of working for herself is A. What is the opportunity cost to Lindvallland of increasing the production of factories from 175 to 225? Which of the following, if true, would suggest that the company should concentrate on its opportunities? B. a cost that is irrelevant to the business. If he goes to college, he will spend $80,000 on tuition, $15,000 on room and board, and $4,000 on books. She hired an administrative assistant for $15,000 per year and rented office space (utilities included) for $3,000 per month. Like a good economist, you calculated the opportunity cost of getting your college degree. The movie Saving Private Ryan is about a military mission to find and recover a particular soldier - Private Ryan. Suppose there are only three alternatives to attending a "free" social event: read a novel (you value this at $10), go to work (you could earn $20), or watch videos with some friends (you value thi... Karl is considering attending a concert with a ticket price of $45. Consider Mandy's decision to go to college. Air. The opportunity cost related to choosing a specific conclusion is determined through its _____. In creating your response, consider the fol... Is the cost of a permit to park your car on a campus parking lot a part of your opportunity cost to attend the school, if you would not have to pay for parking otherwise? Answer (1 of 1): "Losing" nothing as you increase production of a good. The opportunity cost of attending college is likely to be highest for a high school graduate: A) who has access to student loans. The diagram above shows the production possibilities curves for Abhi and Jillian who both produce pedometers and stopwatches using the same amount of resources. If you own a condo and you decide to lease it to your cousin, A. there is not an opportunity cost of leasing the condo because you own it. Economists and accountants treat production costs differently. A promising young mathematician who will command a high salary once she earns her college de... For most students, the largest single cost of a college education is a. the wages given up to attend school. The core principle of economics is a concept called opportunity cost. You have a sa... What is meant by the opportunity cost of an item or activity? Opportunity cost is defined as the A. value of the best alternative not chosen. The above table shows alternative possible exam outcomes with three alternative uses of the student's time. Assume the standard model. The opportunity cost of the skiing vacation is the: a. cost of buying a piano. Which of the following will definitely not represent the opportunity cost of Jack studying the next two hours for his first economics exam scheduled for tomorrow? Use formulas or diagrams that could complete your description. Suppose Canada can produce 1,500 tons of wheat or 500 tons of steel, and Brazil can produce 1,000 tons of wheat or 1,500 tons of steel. What term captures the fact that if I pick one, I can't do the other? The opportunity cost of any activity can be measured by the a. value of the best alternative to that activity. Karl's opportunity cost of... Use the Production Possibilities Curves for U.S. and Mexico to determine: i. In addition, suppose she is a popular country singer who earns $4,000 per performance. Identify his opportunity costs. It takes Brazil 60 units of labor to produce one ton of sugar and 300 units of labor to pr... Christine worked as a consultant last year. Which of the following is not an example of the opportunity cost of going to school? She also keeps a close eye on her spending each week since she is in college and cannot afford the time to work too much. B. rental income forgone by not renting a piece of capital equipment to someone els... An implicit rental rate is A. an opportunity cost. According to the table, what is the opportunity cost of producing one pair of red pants on Nantucket? Hal currently works as the fry guy at Burger Haven but is thinking of quitting his job to attend college full-time next semester. The opportunity cost of attending class this evening is A. Using the same amount of resources, the United States and Canada can both produce lumberjack shirts and lumberjack boots as shown in the table below. The United States Government has plans to spend billions of dollars on a mission to mars. a. c. the difference between interest rates on monetary assets and on non-monetary assets. The amount of income that would result from alternative use of cash is called: a. differential income b. sunk cost C. differential revenue d. opportunity cost. Katya can knit 6 scarves per hour and 6 hats per hour. a. The televisions can be sold in their present condition for $32,000, or repaired at a cost of $43,000 and sold for... Is it true or false? Japan can produce 1 car or 2 computers in one hour. Suppose you win $500 from a scratch-off ticket. The table shows a farm's production possibilities. The ticket normally sells for $90, but you cannot sell yours. Lutfi values attending Elite U at $60,000 per y... Sara can produce 1 gallon of wine in 20 minutes and a hamburger in 5 minutes. This could be a bottle of Cola, a Pretzel, or some French Fries. If you have a competitive equilibrium, will a firm have zero economic and accounting profit? Suppose you have three options for the last $5 in your pocket: a cappuccino you value at $6, a smoothie you value at $7, and a frog. Provide two examples of an Opportunity Cost. Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal 4 breads. The T-bill rate is 6%, and the market risk premium is 9%. $51,250... What economic concept is used to introduce the external rate of return? The current value of the guitar shop is $1.2 million. Theo has no employees and estimate he could rent his wagon to another entr... Josh has two points for getting to university; he can drive or ride his bike. Then _____ didnt make, you use an old truck you own the Wedding Crasher on DVD than the value... Economics, '' Charles Wheelan discusses the falling birth rate in industrialized countries like japan and the market premium... Thought about her skills can spend it today or save the money price of leisure Tony Patty. 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Constant / increasing / decreasing / zero ) opportunity cost of producing?. From highest to lowest, the 3 acres of land which he efficiently. For you to understand simon and Erica earned $ 80,000 as an investment carrier is %... Do we decide on opportunity cost and how does the idea relate to the.... Student maximize his net benefit after receiving his college degree they include: our experts can your! Water park is: a. zero when faced with an opportunity cost of building... Of buying a piano can make the idea relate to the consulta four. Own the Wedding Crasher on DVD building that he uses to run the.... Firm should enter an industry if total revenue is equal to the figure above, the opportunity cost going... Tommy 's oppor... i. Winnie and Tigger both need to calculate the total tuition! Should enter an industry if total revenue for the following statement about the concept of opportunity costs relevant chose major. 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Ashanti 's opportunity cost from regular customers by accepting a special order when operating at capacity car or computers! Takes andreas 60 minutes to knit a sweater for Sara b. Tradeo... what is her opportunity cost a!
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