In fact, the word Mesopotamia means "between rivers" in Greek. Asia’s physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately. But even given this large size, China only has one national time zone, The Arabian Desert is a vast desert wilderness in Western Asia. group of people who travel together for safety and companionship through difficult territory. Andrew Turgeon, Mary Crooks, National Geographic Society It is different in that most of the rainfall occurs during the warm summer months, rather than during the winter months. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. At its center is the Rub’al-Khali, the largest contiguous sand desert in the world. Also called a nature preserve. 3 Capital Cities? Tokyo, Japan. Encyclopedic entry. The land mass of Asia is not the sum of the land masses of each of its regions, which have been defined independently of the whole. 2. It is the fourth largest desert in the world, and the largest in Asia. body of water partially surrounded by land, usually with a wide mouth to a larger body of water. process by which liquid water becomes water vapor. Japan is located in eastern Asia between the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific Ocean. These pressures have caused desertification and increased salts in the soil, severely damaging local watershed habitats.SaltwaterThe Persian Gulf has an area of more than 234,000 square kilometers (90,000 square miles). Why Are They Called the Cleveland Browns? Which Continent – Is Egypt Part of Africa or Asia? India and China, both in Asia, are the only countries in the world with populations above 1 billion people. Teache. The world’s highest mountains, the Himalayas, are in Asia, as well as the highest plateau, the Tibetan Plateau. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Brine also refers to oceans and seas, and their water. The Indian subcontinent, once connected to Africa, collided with the Eurasian continent about 50 million to 55 million years ago, forming the Himalayas. The plateau also has two large deserts, the Dasht-e Kavir and Dasht-e Lut.The Deccan Plateau makes up most of the southern part of India. Africa is a continent. Total Population: 4,46 billion people; Demonym: Asian; Population density: 100/km2 (260/sq mi) There are six sub divisions of Asia. There are four main islands – Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Approximately 2 billion people depend on the rivers fed by the plateau’s glaciers. community and interactions of living and nonliving things in an area. The desert is known as the Empty Quarter because it is virtually inhospitable to humans except for Bedouin tribes that live on its edges.FreshwaterLake Baikal, located in southern Russia, is the deepest lake in the world, reaching a depth of 1,620 meters (5,315 feet). What Is the Real Meaning Behind ‘Ring Around the Rosie’? Asia can be divided into five major physical regions: mountain systems; plateaus; plains, steppes, and deserts; freshwater environments; and saltwater environments. rise and fall of the ocean's waters, caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. state of being alone or separated from a community. the sub region. That’s nearly 60% of the world’s total. entire river system or an area drained by a river and its tributaries. animals associated with an area or time period. Furthermore, of the top ten tallest buildings in the word, nine are found in Asia, including the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the world’s tallest. More than 4.4 billion people live on the continent. The type of terrestrial ecosystem found in a particular place is dependent on the temperature range, the average amount of precipitation received, the soil type, and amount of light it receives. The world is a big, beautiful, fascinating place. It is surrounded by the Indian Ocean in the south; Arctic Ocean in the north; the Pacific Ocean in the … civilization in the Fertile Crescent. ancient trade route through Central Asia linking China and the Mediterranean Sea. Bactrians can actually outrun horses over long distances. The 13 Best Captain America Quotes from the MCU, The Sporcle Guide on How to Disable Your Ad Blocker, 24 of the Best Sites to Kill Time On the Internet. The bay also supports healthy tuna, jack, and marlin fisheries.Some of the bay’s most diverse array of organisms exist along its coasts and wetlands. Every year, Asia and North America get closer and closer as the Pacific is reduced by two to three centimeters. It is also the world’s oldest lake, at 25 million years old. area of tall, mostly evergreen trees and a high amount of rainfall. Russia, on the other hand, spans 11 time zones. You cannot download interactives. all related food chains in an ecosystem. ancient region between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, today lying mostly in Iraq. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers begin in the highlands of eastern Turkey and flow through Syria and Iraq, joining in the city of Qurna, Iraq, before emptying into the Persian Gulf. Fact 2: More than 4.1 billion people live in Asia. The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world (behind the Amazon of South America and the Nile of Africa). It borders Iran, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq. Which Continent – Is Russia Part of Europe or Asia? There is a crater lake on Volcano Island known as the Yellow Lake or the Main Crater Lake, and it contains its own small island, Vulcan Point. Mumbai, India. In the Himalayas, communities use yaks as beasts of burden. The two highest peaks in the Tien Shan are Victory Peak, which stands at 7,439 meters (24,406 feet), and Khan Tängiri Peak, which stands at 6,995 meters (22,949 feet). New Badges: Ben There, Done That, Written in Stone, and Motion Clicktures, 18 Jane Austen Quotes with Pride (and maybe prejudice? Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. Two of the Asian countries also share part of their territory on the European continent; these countries are Russia and Turkey. Asia: Geology and Geography Enter your search terms: Geologically, Asia consists of ancient Precambrian landmasses—the Arabian and Indian peninsulas in the south and the central Siberian plateau in the north—enclosing a central zone of folded ridges. Here are a few interesting geography facts related to Asia. The borders of Europe and Asia are not properly defined, and even the idea that these […], (Last Updated On: November 19, 2019)Known for its diversity of landscapes, the state of Georgia has a lot of natural beauty. Asia is a very large continent. All Interesting Facts; Geography; Asia; Asia. 1. tool used for cutting, lifting, and turning the soil in preparation for planting. learned behavior of people, including their languages, belief systems, social structures, institutions, and material goods. China is also home to the dawn redwood, the only redwood tree found outside North America.Asia’s diverse physical and cultural landscape has dictated the way animals have been domesticated. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Aquatic life has been able to evolve for millions of years relatively undisturbed, producing a rich variety of flora and fauna. With a population of over 4 billion people, Asia has more people than all the other continents combined. East Asia is a large expanse of territory with China as its largest country. a dip or depression in the surface of the land or ocean floor. The lake contains 20 percent of the world’s unfrozen freshwater, making it the largest reservoir on Earth. Comprising most of North Africa, the Sahara desert is the largest hot desert, and the third largest desert in the world… 1. Reaching 6,300 kilometers (3,915 miles) in length, the Yangtze moves east from the glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau to the river’s mouth on the East China Sea. General Facts about Asia. It is also the world’s most populous continent, with roughly 60 percent of the total population. It has. Most of the highest mountain peaks in the world (including Mount Everest) can be found in the Himalayas, a mountain range that separates the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. The largest landlocked country in the world is Kazakhstan. Sporcle Live Spotlight: Buffalo Wild Wings (Delaware, OH), (Last Updated On: July 13, 2018) Is Africa a Country or Continent- The Short Version Africa is not a country. Russia has 11 times zones (of just 24 total in the world!). substance an organism needs for energy, growth, and life. Is Africa a Country or Continent – The Longer Version A […], (Last Updated On: May 15, 2019) Oftentimes, geography is not as clear cut as we’d like it to be. The seabed beneath the Persian Gulf contains an estimated 50 percent of the world’s oil reserves. Asia is thus the most populous continent.3. So when a Russian on one side of the country is awaking at 7 a.m., another on the other side may be sitting down to dinner. How Geography Shapes Civilization. What Happens if the 25th Amendment Is Invoked? The plateau is not uniformly flat, but contains some high mountains and low river basins. Kara West. Yaks are large animals related to cattle, but with a thick fiber coat and the ability to survive in the oxygen-poor high altitude of the mountains. Asias smallest countries are Maldives (120 squar… Jakarta, Indonesia. The Himalayas are so vast that they are composed of three different mountain belts. With more than 50 percent of its area at less than 100 meters (330 feet) above sea level, the plain contains some of the world’s largest swamps and flood plains.Central Asia is dominated by a steppe landscape, a large area of flat, unforested grassland. Russia is the largest country in the world with an area of 17,075,400 square kilometers. The northernmost belt, known as the Great Himalayas, has the highest average elevation at 6,096 meters (20,000 feet). | What is the Capital of South Africa. Tim Gunther, Illustrator, Jeannie Evers, Emdash Editing The significant landform features of Asia include the world's tallest mountain, the world's lowest point, the world's deepest lake, the world's longest coastline and some of the most important rivers on the planet. Sustainability Policy | study of the natural features and processes of the Earth. The Caspian Sea in Western Asia is usually classified as the, The largest landlocked country in the world is Kazakhstan. Today, the Tigris-Euphrates river system is under threat from increased agricultural and industrial use. Those are … Physical boundaries include oceans, cliffs, or valleys. There are 48 countries in Asia (see list on the right of the 10 biggest countries) that are recognised by the United Nations (Palestine, however, has 'only' observer status as it does not control the majority of the claimed land). She or he will best know the preferred format. It is also the most populous, with China and India leading the way. containing a large number of inhabitants. It extends from north to south about 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles) and from west to east about 1,900 kilometers (1,200 miles). Its size and ability to adapt to hardship make it an ideal pack animal. From roses to peonies, many familiar flowers most likely originated in northern China. 39 Outstanding Great Wall of China Facts. petroleum from a specific reservoir that can be successfully brought to the surface. large, flat sheet of ice floating on a body of water. The Sundarbans supports more than 200 species of aquatic and wading birds. Taal Lake is a freshwater lake on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The island of Taiwan, off the eastern coast of China, has an independent government that has been separated from … With an area of 900,000 square miles, it occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula. having to do with factories or mechanical production. Bactrian camels are critically endangered in the wild. place where a river empties its water. Mangroves are hardy trees that are able to withstand the powerful, salty tides of the Bay of Bengal as well as the freshwater flows from the Ganges and Brahamaputra. It’s located in the southeastern part of the United States, west of the Atlantic […]. Don’t let the name fool you. It has more than 17,000 islands, which make up the Indonesian archipelago. Mark Heald is the Managing Editor of China is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Caspian Sea in Western Asia is usually classified as the world’s largest lake. The swampy jungle of the Sundarbans supports a rich animal community. (~2300 B.C.E.-~2150 B.C.E.) The sea is largely frozen between October and March. The lake is known as the “Galápagos of Russia” because of its importance to the study of evolutionary science. These zones transition from the country’s mountainous region in the north to the Gobi Desert on the southern border with China. The gulf is subject to high rates of evaporation, making it shallow and extremely salty. Diane Boudreau natural or artificial line separating two pieces of land. one of the seven main land masses on Earth. ’, which means it is surrounded entirely by other landlocked countries. The highest peak is Mount Narodnaya at 1,895 meters (6,217 feet).Plateaus Asia is home to many plateaus, areas of relatively level high ground. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. Interestingly, the surface of the, Most of the highest mountain peaks in the world (including Mount Everest) can be found in the Himalayas, a mountain range that separates the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. Hundreds of species of fish, shrimp, crabs, and snails live in the exposed root system of the mangrove trees. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. blossom or reproductive organs of a plant. These small animals are part of a food web that includes wild boar, macaque monkeys, monitor lizards, and a healthy population of Bengal tigers. Asia – Largest continent covering almost a third of the world’s land area Delhi, India. These varying definitions are not generally reflected in the map of Asia as a whole; for example, Egypt is typically included in the Middle East, but not in Asia, even though the Middle East is a division of Asia. Millions of years of erosion have lowered the mountains significantly, and today their average elevation is between 914 and 1,220 meters (3,000 to 4,000 feet). Like these Asia geography facts? rapid depletion of plant life and topsoil, often associated with drought and human activity. Of the ten most populous cities in the world, seven are in Asia. Shanghai, China. The Tibetan Plateau is extremely important to the world’s water cycle because of its tremendous number of glaciers. Taal Lake is a freshwater lake on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. all the different kinds of living organisms within a given area. ancient, giant landmass that split apart to form all the continents we know today. (1989, 1993). The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Home to the ancient civilizations of Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia these peoples are credited with influencing mathematics and astronomy. Many large rivers, including the Ganges and Brahmaputra, empty into the bay. The ice and snow from these glaciers feed Asia’s largest rivers. The Sundarbans is a wetland area that forms at the delta of the Ganges and Brahamaputra rivers. Asia is the largest of the world’s continents. Kolkata, India. Don’t let the name fool you. Asia stretches from the Arctic Circle in the north to the warm, tropical waters of the Indian Ocean in the south, to the Ural Mountains in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east. "Exploring Your World: The Adventure of Geography." The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. For example, the borders of Central Asia and the Middle East depend on who is defining them and for what purpose. type of tree or shrub with long, thick roots that grows in salty water. domesticated animal used by humans for transporting goods. Seoul, South Korea. The border between the two continents is debated. It is not known if there is a Greek who can sing … Uzbekistan in Central Asia is ‘. Usually rivers enter another body of water at their mouths. This belt includes the highest mountain summit in the world, Mount Everest, which stands at 8,850 meters (29,035 feet).The Tien Shan mountain system stretches for about 2,400 kilometers (1,500 miles), straddling the border between Kyrgyzstan and China. Erin Sprout … Asia’s stake in world markets has grown dramatically in the last half-century. Mongolia has the lowest population density of any other country in the world. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. the flat, low-lying plain that sometimes forms at the mouth of a river from deposits of sediments. The Dead Sea is the world’s lowest point on land. National Geographic Headquarters Two Names, One Country | Sporcle Blog. complex way of life that developed as humans began to develop urban settlements. Africa has an array of diverse ecosystems, from sandy deserts to lush rain forests. China is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of area. China is the likely origin of such fruit trees as peaches and oranges. extreme north or south point of the Earth's axis. The Indian subcontinent is still crashing northward into Asia, and the Himalayas are growing about 5 centimeters (2 inches) every year.The Himalayas cover more than 612,000 square kilometers (236,000 square miles), passing through the northern states of India and making up most of the terrain of Nepal and Bhutan. World Geography students are introduced to, or review, East Asia's physical geography, history, and modern day life by completing a physical geography activity, playing "I have who has," and completing a gallery walk with a 19 review tasks (a mix of short answer, a map, and a creative task). Read more. threadlike material produced by some animals, such as spider silk or wool. Interesting Geography Facts – Asia 1. The largest glacier is Engil'chek Glacier, which is about 60 kilometers (37 miles) long.The Ural Mountains run for approximately 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles) in an indirect north-south line from Russia to Kazakhstan. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Asia has both the highest and the lowest points on the surface of Earth, has the longest coastline of any continent, and is subject overall to the world’s widest climatic extremes. The camel’s humps store nutrient-rich fat, which the animal can use in times of drought, heat, or frost. The territory of Russia almost covers the surface of the planet Pluto. animal used for carrying or pulling heavy loads. It borders 14 other countries, which along with Russia (also with 14 borders), is the most of any other country. In the table below, you can find all the important facts that could be potential questions in the UPSC Prelims. 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