binging and fasting disorder

By committing to eat all of your meals during a 6-8 hour window each day, and fast the remaining time, you’re able to drop your … When people experience extreme hunger paired with an increase in thoughts about food and eating, they’re more likely to binge. Non-fasting days are not days when you can splurge on whatever you want as this can lead to weight gain. MEDA's Clinical Services for Individuals and Loved Ones, Confident Body, Confident Child Program (CBCC), Dieting Apps for Kids Send All the Wrong Messages, The Value of Detaching Emotional Responses from Thoughts in Eating Disorder Recovery, DBT vs. CBT in Binge Eating Disorder Treatment, Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Eating Disorders, Preying on the Vulnerable: Intermittent Fasting Apps Are Becoming Harder to Ignore, MEDA’s Clinical Services for Individuals and Loved Ones. Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder. Leaf Group Ltd. A feeling of a loss of control during the binge; experiencing shame, distress or guilt afterwards. Here's how to know if you're doing it safely. How Intermittent Fasting Triggered My Binge Eating Disorder. What Is Binge Eating Disorder? Your brain might enter 'famine' mode in the hours before the fast ends, and by the time you finally give yourself permission to eat, you might be in 'feast' mode and eat more than you need to in a short period of time. It leaves little time for socialising or relationships. When we finally "give in" control seems to fade away (Overeating vs. A dietitian will also be able to help you create a safe meal plan and advise you on how best to break your fast. and Dieting is the number one risk factor in the development of an eating disorder. Binge eating disorder isn't the same as occasional overeating. Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by the recurrent consumption of very large amounts of food, without behaviors to prevent weight gain such as self-induced vomiting. Keep in mind that overeating and binge eating are two common side effects of intermittent fasting. All of that probably sounds great if you've been looking for a way to lose weight without counting calories or sticking to a kale-only diet. By. Would you view yourself as a failure? What other health problems can you have with binge eating disorder? Trying to diet can trigger more binge episodes, leading to a vicious cycle that's hard to break. If someone is struggling with binge-eating and is using food as a way to cope with uncomfortable emotions, they might result to restricting their intake due to the shame they feel about engaging in these behaviors. And as we know, restriction leads to physical and psychological depletion, which can ultimately lead to a binge. How Intermittent Fasting Affects Weight Loss. If that's how you break every fast, that could qualify as binge eating disorder, which the National Eating Disorders Association defines as recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food. Secretive behavior and inconspicuous binge eating. That in and of itself is technically considered disordered eating because, as Colleen M. Neumann, PsyD, MSW, a licensed clinical psychologist, explains, creating rules around how foods can be eaten is one of the hallmark behaviors. Another way to determine whether your approach is healthy is to think about how you'd react if you fell off the wagon and ate outside the designated window. "While IF may be fine for some people, for those with a history or at higher risk of disordered eating, the act of IF may trigger something deeper psychologically, which can lead to a serious eating disorder," Cohn says. ", National Eating Disorders Association: "Binge Eating Disorder", Harvard T.H. However, it is important to note that the prognosis of binge eating disorder seems to be quite changeable over time. Not sure whether your approach to IF is concerning? 5. Binge eating disorder may lead to weight gain and health problems related to obesity. , One 2017 review published in Behavioral Sciences noted that there have been concerns that it could lead to erratic eating patterns, bad moods and binging. Each year, Australians will spend around $310 million on weight loss and low-calorie food services and dietary supplements. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. Binge eating disorder. DOI: 10.7326/M15-2455 Compulsive buying disorder is slightly more common, affecting about 6 percent of the population. For someone with binge-eating disorder, the urge to overeat can be overwhelming.And while the first few bites can sometimes feel good, shame, guilt, and regret can quickly follow. Avoid dieting, unless it's supervised. Privacy Policy To diagnose binge-eating disorder, your medical care provider may recommend a psychological evaluation, including discussion of your eating habits. That said, people with the disorder are usually more likely to overeat if they're anxious or stressed. Binging and Starving, Feasting and Fasting, or Bulimia, Christian Eating Disorder Treatment. Binge-eating disorder in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Binging needs to take place at least once a week over three months or more to be considered a binge eating disorder. Cognitieve gedragstherapie is de meest onderzochte en effectief gebleken psychologische behandeling bij eetstoornissen.. Afhankelijk van de ernst van de klacht, het steunsysteem en de eetstoornis is individuele therapie mogelijk en zijn er verschillende vormen van groepstherapie. Intermittent fasting is linked to many health benefits, but it could also move into disordered eating territory. The LIVESTRONG Foundation and LIVESTRONG.COM do not endorse Many associate bulimia with binging, and people with bulimia do indeed binge; however, those who have binge eating disorder typically don’t vomit or use laxatives to rid their bodies of food like those with bulimia do. Emotional eating can be temporary and may not be binge eating disorder, though. Fad diets can often be very unhealthy, and studies show that overly restrictive eating … People of color – especially African Americans – are significantly less likely to receive help for their eating issues. To understand what binge eating disorder is, you first have to understand what it is not. Binge Eating Disorder. People can find themselves in this cycle for a variety of reasons, but let’s take a look at two of the most common ways people get stuck in this pattern. used as a substitute for professional medical advice, Eating disorders are often one of the unspoken secrets that affect many families. Moira Lawler is a freelance writer based in Chicago. It is not overeating and taking in more calories than your body needs, even if you do that every day. Fasting long term for some people increases the urge to binge because of the restrictive natute and hence isn't usually recommended for binge eaters. Most of us have eaten too much at … The short answer is that it's too soon to say for sure whether IF is a slippery slope to an eating disorder. Neither the binge or fast are good ideas. Fasting may also lead to an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol, which may lead to even more food cravings. She primarily writes about nutrition, exercise, and healthy living. Binge eating disorder also runs in families, and there may be a genetic component as well. There are a few different approaches, such as the 5:2 diet, which calls for eating normally five days a week and fasting for two, and the 16:8 method, which involves fasting for 16 hours each day and eating all of the day's calories during the remaining eight-hour window. Both of these diagnoses are serious and deserve proper treatment and attention. Finally, They often believe that they lack the willpower to “successfully” diet. Eating disorders and BPD are usually very intertwined, and it can be a struggle to work on one and not the other. Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms). As previously stated, BED is characterized by episodes of binge eating that are usually not followed by compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, laxative abuse, fasting, or excessive exercise. If it feels like you may not be in it for the right reasons, let yourself quit. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web site-many of the Copyright Policy This binge-eating / fasting cycle is a clear eating disorder and what is first a way to cope with a shock to the body, could turn into bulimia. Read more: How to Find the Best Weight-Loss Diet for You. It’s also important to n… If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, or if you feel like you might be stuck in the binge-restrict cycle, MEDA is here to help, and fully recovery is possible! If you or someone you know is engaging in this cyclical pattern of eating, recovery is possible. Binging, purging and fasting more common in overweight, obese young adults ... "Unhealthy weight control behaviors may predispose to eating disorders… ", PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. Binge eating, on the other hand, involves obsession over food and binging… Additionally, those who believe that they have binge eating disorder must experience at least three of … Chan School of Public Health: "Diet Review: Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss", Current Obesity Reports: "Intermittent Fasting: Is the Wait Worth the Weight? Don't skip therapy sessions. ... (binging and purging), prompting events, vulnerability factors, and actions, thoughts, or feelings that eventually led to the problem behavior. Good luck. But the limited number of studies that have been done to date don't indicate a link between IF and disordered eating. -. Despite the fact that these two diagnoses exist, many people engage in binge eating but do not meet criteria for BED or Bulimia. "Intermittent fasting is a gateway to an eating disorder." Eating Disorders Victoria has put together a step-by-step guide take if you are concerned that you may be experiencing binge eating disorder. . Dieting. In the future, next time I religiously fast, I have to be conscious of not to overeat and start including nutritional foods in that selection overall. Your medical care provider also may want you to have other tests to check for health consequences of binge-eating disorder, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, GERD and some sleep-related breathing disorders. This then becomes a vicious cycle of binging purge mode and it is very difficult to break the cycle. Eating … zinaamiri3000 / April 15, 2014. Is it Binge Eating Disorder (BED) or are you stuck in a vicious cycle? Eating disorders in general and binging behavior specifically can increase the likelihood that a person engages in self-injurious behaviors like cutting or has suicidal thoughts or actions. Binge eating disorder or overeating is something that can occur if they’re not planning out their meals correctly. As previously stated, BED is characterized by episodes of binge eating that are usually not followed by compensatory behaviors such as vomiting, laxative abuse, fasting, or excessive exercise. A conscious effort must be made to work on both co-occurring disorders. Did you frequent fast food establishments and drive while eating? Would it make you feel bad about yourself? Weight fluctuation due to alternate binging and fasting. How Intermittent Fasting Affects Weight Loss, 12 Dos and Don'ts of Intermittent Fasting, Harvard T.H. Consuming far more than the average person would within a given period (Binge eating disorder) with binging behavior at least once a week for at least three months. Website Design by Compete Now. This is article #1 of 5 about this crippling and life-stealing condition. An alternative way that people find themselves stuck in this cycle is when the binge eating occurs first. While someone engaging in this cycle might not be diagnosed with BED or bulimia, they may be given a diagnosis of OSFED or Unspecified Feeding or Eating Disorder. You could consider it to be the opposite form of anorexia. In the eating disorder treatment world, this is becoming more and more common of an issue causing professionals to have to fix not only the restricting issue but also the binging issue and bring the client back into a normalized eating pattern. That's not as worrisome as choosing IF in order to severely restrict calories or to cover up an underlying eating disorder. By definition, IF means that followers fast for a specified amount of time. They feel physically uncomfortable and prefer to be isolated from social interaction. Chan School of Public Health, How to Find the Best Weight-Loss Diet for You, Behavioral Sciences: "Potential Benefits and Harms of Intermittent Energy Restriction and Intermittent Fasting Amongst Obese, Overweight and Normal Weight Subjects—A Narrative Review of Human and Animal Evidence", University of Michigan: "Intermittent Fasting: Is it Right for You? Although BED and bulimia nervosa health risks differ slightly, anyone with either of these eating disorders is at a high risk of suffering medical complications which might require extensive hospitalization. Here I will give you a definition of binge eating based on my personal experience. Written by Graduate Clinical Intern and Clinical Support Specialist, Meagan Gunnip. Binge eating disorder is when you are overeating every day and you feel like you have no self-control. For example, ask yourself if you're practicing IF because it gives you a socially acceptable excuse to, say, skip a meal with friends, DeCaro says. The other thing to take into account is a … Perfectionism, tendency to be highly self-critical. If you don't have that background and decide to pursue IF, it's still smart to consult a professional first. IF is notoriously difficult to stick to, so there's no shame in throwing in the towel and opting for a more balanced approach to eating. Someone with this disorder binges and loses control but does not purge afterward. "If you're narrowing the timeframe in which you're allowed to eat and completely ignoring your hunger cues outside of that timeframe, it could be an unsafe approach, especially for those in eating disorder recovery," says Samantha DeCaro, PsyD, an assistant clinical director at The Renfrew Center of Philadelphia. Tags: binge eating disorder, binge-restrict cycle, bulimia nervosa, eating disorder recovery, 288 Walnut St, Suite 130 (Entrance: 449 Newtonville Ave) Newton, MA 02460 (617) 558 1881 (888) 350 4049. Purging disorder is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) under the classification of Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder (OSFED). Terms of Use Intermittent fasting is disordered eating by definition, but there are ways to know whether you've taken the method too far. Nutrition therapist Sondra Kronberg, founder and executive director of the Eating Disorder Treatment Collaborative, agrees. This article for teens explains what it is, how to recognize it, and how to get help. Bulimia is a disorder in which a person will typically obsess about food and eating to the point that he or she will binge and eat a great deal at once, and then follow that binge with a purge. If you have read my Confessions of an Obese Child series (or listened to the podcast) you know that I suffered from a binge eating disorder. Plenty … Typically, treating binge-eating disorder on your own isn't effective. Other symptoms include: Eating a lot of food in a short time – under two hours. After a binge, however, people are overwhelmed by feelings of shame. Tortured by bouts of binge eating and fasting, one woman felt she'd failed at everything — even her eating disorder. But they do feel intense guilt, shame, and disgust after binging. It can also become dangerous if the designated eating time is used to overconsume. As you may have gathered, if you have a history of eating disorders, it's a good idea to avoid IF altogether, according to the Harvard T.H. Binge eating disorder behandeling. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating and the absence of inappropriate compensatory behaviors that are characterized by Bulimia Nervosa. Surprisingly, ANAD further states binge eating incidents in post-bariatric clients may exceed 25 percent. Binge eating disorder may also go unnoticed and untreated often because of the confusion about the disorder or the shame/embarrassment that someone struggling with this disorder may feel. © 2021 MEDA. Stick to your treatment. Unlike bulimia, there is no association with purging the excess calories by vomiting, fasting, or intense exercise. Fasting after a binge is really no different than sleeping (disengaging, avoiding), overexercising, inducing vomiting or abusing laxatives. … All three disorders can overlap or alternate in the same person, with anorexics sometimes developing binge/purge behavior and bulimics going through periods of fasting. Do you recognise this syndrome? One in ten bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder clients suffer from a substance addiction. Perhaps you're opting to follow the diet because you have diabetes and want to tap into the insulin-resistance benefits, or you're obese and fasting under doctor surveillance. It also covers how to get the most out of seeing a GP, as well as treatment options available in the public and private system in Victoria. Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder. Let’s break it down by taking a look at Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, and the binge-restrict cycle. "Binging isn't a lack of willpower," Kathleen explained. They may become more isolated from others, distancing themselves from social events, especially those which involve food, because they are worried about adhering to their diet regime. However, after making it through most of the day on an insufficient amount of food, people experience hunger at the end of the day. Cohn suggests speaking with a registered dietician or a therapist about your reasons for wanting to try IF to ensure you're approaching it for a true health-based reason. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM The binge-purge cycle is a cycle of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions experienced by many people who suffer from the eating disorder bulimia nervosa.A portion of this cycle may also be experienced by people with binge eating disorder. Both males and females are affected, and most of those affected are overweight or obese. Christian eating disorder treatment.I 'm not talking about intermittent fasting is becoming increasingly popular diets , such as 5-2 or SI . Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a severe, life-threatening, and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort). But for some people, excessive overeating that feels out of control and becomes a regular occurrence crosses the line to binge-eating disorder.When you have binge-eating disorder, you may be embarrassed about overeating and vow to stop. Of all the eating disorders and disordered patterns of eating, none is so closely related to fasting as anorexia nervosa. Other symptoms include: eating when not hungry; eating very fast during a binge; eating alone or secretly; feeling depressed, guilty, ashamed or disgusted after binge eating People often get confused and believe that if they are engaging in a binge, they automatically meet criteria for a BED diagnosis, but that’s not always the case! 4. Many people begin a diet in hopes of controlling their weight or shape, but after time, they’re physically and psychologically depleted. 2021 The main symptom of binge eating disorder is eating a lot of food in a short time and not being able to stop when full. Copyright © What are the warning signs? We'll venture a guess that you've heard a lot about the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) lately. But if you're wondering whether an eating pattern that encourages abstaining from food for hours to days at a time ventures into disordered eating territory, you're certainly not alone. If any of this sounds like you, call the National Eating Disorders Association helpline at 800-931-2237 or reach out to a professional for help. The combination of a lack of food and exhaustion can also lead to another binge. CBT for eating disorders involves making changes to patterns of behavior and thinking that serve to maintain the vicious cycle of eating disorders. Binge eating is a type of eating disorder. Mental health professionals categorize this type of disordered eating as an “other specified feeding or eating disorder.” And, as you start your IF journey, be on the lookout for the negative feelings and emotions mentioned above. The Binge Cycle. Oftentimes, people will restrict the day after a binge, eating small amounts of food at breakfast and lunch, or throughout the day entirely. Puffiness in face (below cheeks), bursting blood vessels in the eyes, Enamel erosion and tooth decay, esophagus damage, and internal bleeding. Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder, involving episodes of extreme overeating. Also, do not confuse binge … Ditch the diet. By Autumn Whitefield-Madrano Mar 28, 2012 The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. This pattern of bingeing and restricting can lead to health problems, such as cardiac issues, metabolic issues, and various emotional and mood disturbances. Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa Health Risks. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. Welcome to our binge eating series. Eating disorders have historically been associated with heterosexual, young, white females, but in reality, they affect people from all demographics of all ethnicities at similar rates. Read more: You Are When You Eat? Someone who becomes even more rigid in their approach to dieting and fasting may be on the way to developing an eating disorder. It is important to distinguish binge eating disorder from other eating disorders. Because there is no diagnostic criteria for Anorexia Binge Eating Type it sits in a sub-group called Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). This blog is about how intermittent fasting eased my lifelong eating disorder. Night eating syndrome. How to Stop the Restrictive Eating and Binging Cycle Bulimia Nervosa is defined both by binging behavior and purging behavior. It should not be Here's what you need to know about the potential dangers of IF. As with other eating disorders, people who binge or compulsively overeat tend to eat very restricted diets during the day, leaving them vulnerable to binging at night. It is not overindulging on Thanksgiving, plowing through a giant fast food meal, or even demolishing a pint of ice cream in one sitting. Thus creating the cycle of bingeing and restricting. Binge eating disorder is twice as common among women than men and is characterized by episodes of binge eating — eating an amount of food that … including: Using the bathroom immediately after meals. Bulimia Nervosa, however, differs from BED in the sense that people with this disorder do engage in these modes of compensation. Calm, pleasure and satisfaction is what most people experience after eating. As mentioned before, binge eating is hardly an occasional habit. Dieting (which is a form of restricting), often denies the body of necessary nutrients. So let’s give a little more history before getting to the present. Categories: binge eating, bulimia, diets don't work, eating disorder, EDNOS, emotional eating, Fat is not a feeling, food addiction, health at every size, help for binge eating, how to stop binge eating, intermittent fasting and binge eating disorder, intuitve eating, mindful eating, mindfulness Comments: 5 Replies I can most definitely relate and agree with the research that I conducted. By now, you’ve probably seen countless articles on how the new trend of intermittent fasting is helping people lose weight quickly with only small changes to diet. All that matters is consuming as much as possible, as quickly as possible. One study published June 2018 in Current Obesity Reports noted that dropout rates for studies involving fasting can be as high as 40 percent. Many professionals who work with patients with eating disorders, however, disagree. "What makes IF different from disordered eating is the intent and rationale for following it.". About the Author: Leigh Bell holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with minors in Creative Writing and French from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Though there are no current statistics on how many individuals are affected by this condition , the signs and dangers of purging on both the mind and body are well understood within the eating disorder community. Many people who struggle with eating disorders or disordered eating receive the help they need through therapy, nutrition therapy, and other group and individual supports. People with binge eating disorder may engage in fasting from time to time in hopes of losing weight or avoiding weight gain related to binge eating episodes. 2. The binge-purge cycle is a cycle of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions experienced by many people who suffer from the eating disorder bulimia nervosa.A portion of this cycle may also be experienced by people with binge eating disorder. Dieting can lead to obsessive thoughts about food and feelings of extreme hunger. This is one reason why there is a strong link between dieting and binge eating. These are monitored and are not designed for an orgy of minutes and starve the other Christian eating disorder treatment, but using a more balanced way of eating… We tell ourselves we can't have it so we want it even more. Symptoms of binge eating disorder. Despite these similarities each is a distinct disorder with its own symptoms, patterns, and treatment. These types of feelings could also be a sign that IF has crossed into disordered eating territory, Neumann says. Er zijn verschillende therapievormen voor mensen met eetbuistoornis. The buzzy way of eating, which involves periods of fasting, can lead to fat burn, weight loss, better glucose control and lower cholesterol and blood pressure, according to the University of Michigan. diagnosis or treatment. 2 Yet both the rate of obesity and the number of people with an eating disorder are increasing in Australia. Chan School of Public Health. This evening binge can lead to more feelings of shame, therein restarting the cycle. Bulimia Nervosa, however, differs from BED in the sense that people with this disorder do engage in these modes of compensation. You Are When You Eat? But in addition to professional help, you can take these self-care steps to reinforce your treatment plan: 1. If you have a meal plan, do your best to stick to it and don't let setbacks derail your overall efforts. "What makes IF different from disordered eating is the intent and rationale for following it," says Marjorie Nolan Cohn, RDN, owner of MNC Nutrition. Binge Eating Disorder was found equally in men and women with BP and occurred at the same rate in people with bipolar disorder 1 & 2. This will lead to hunger that sometimes results in bingeing. Consider your reasons for choosing IF in the first place. Learn more about the steps we're taking in response to Coronavirus/COVID-19 >> Free Consultation (866) 297-2194. What has been your experience with Fast Food and Binge Eating Disorder? I am not talking about Intermittent Fasting which is becoming more popular with diets such as the 5-2 or IF. For example, some medical professionals see the restriction but do not see the binge as a biological response to food deprivation that regulates the body and returns it to health, so they may give a diagnosis of binge eating disorder in combination with anorexia nervosa or the unspecified eating disorder diagnosis (which is contradictory). Instead, they find themselves stuck in a cycle of bingeing and restricting, often unsure of how to stop the cycle and get the help they deserve. People often believe that Bulimia Nervosa strictly refers to self-induced vomiting after eating, but purging can refer to many different kinds of unhealthy compensation. Binge eating disorder is an eating disorder characterized by episodes of uncontrollable eating, typically not followed by compensatory behaviors. Intermittent fasting (fasting for 16 hours and having an 8 hour eating window) may be more bearable because it is less restrictive. Katie Nunnally. They’re shamed by the media and by diet culture and ultimately recommit to a restricting their intake. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. DeCaro says to keep an eye out for other warning signs of an eating disorder, Binge eating disorder is a psychiatric disorder that can be successfully treated if appropriate help is sought. Binge Eating Disorder Screener-7 (BEDS-7) This patient-reported screener is designed to help you quickly and simply screen adults whom you suspect may have binge eating disorder (B.E.D.). Purging may be done via vomiting (the most commonly associated idea/image when one considers purging), but it might also be done via fasting, laxative abuse, diet pills, exercise, or diuretics. Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and feel unable to stop eating.Almost everyone overeats on occasion, such as having seconds or thirds of a holiday meal. USING THE BEDS-7 IS SIMPLE: If the patient answers “YES” to question 1, continue on to questions 2 through 7. Signs and symptoms of BED are: A sense of lack of control over eating while binging. Many people find that they scarf down food too fast and eat well beyond the point of fullness. Read more: 12 Dos and Don'ts of Intermittent Fasting. January 22, 2019. An estimated 14% of U.S. adults have admitted using fasting as a … Neumann says that can happen as a result of ignoring hunger. It is not “grazing” — eating small amounts of food more or less continuously throughout the day. In the 2nd page we will look at ways to prevent a binge - AND in the 3rd page we'll discuss how to stop one after it has started. Fasting can be a sign that IF has crossed into disordered eating studies that have been done to date n't... On LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only people with the research that I conducted the to! This will lead to hunger that sometimes results in bingeing becoming increasingly popular diets, such as 5-2 or.. `` give in '' control seems to fade away ( overeating vs for a specified amount of time,! Clients suffer from a substance addiction unlike bulimia, christian eating disorder is eating! Sense of lack of control during the binge eating, recovery is possible by binging behavior and purging.. 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binging and fasting disorder 2021