To a medium saucepan, add the coconut milk, coconut sugar, and cinnamon. I have it in my coffee daily. Would be nice but a whole lot safer for your gut if you use chicory coffee. Collagen peptides are sourced from bovine (cow) hides, not from their milk, thus they would not be suitable for a dairy-free diet. Thank you for your kind words. You could also add additional ghee (or butter) or even try cashew butter! Instead of a sauce pan, can you steam the coconut milk and other ingredients if you have an espresso machine? Can you make a batch of this coffee cinnamon latte to have ready? Your morning coffee sounds delicious, Katherine – thanks for sharing! If you are looking for a non-bovine source of collagen we recommend the marine collagen from Vital Proteins instead. That way the coffee stays hot. Stir often throughout to prevent it from burning. Hi Toni! This website is a place to learn how to cook delicious food for beginners and those who are already proficient. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If you use a handheld coffee whisk/frother the results aren’t quite as good (meaning it does separate a bit). No, it does not. do you have recipe for home made coconut milk? Can gelatin generally be used in coffee? I know it’s an older recipe, but I’ve been looking for ways to spruce up my morning. Your 6 Tbsp. Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides- love this product and have been using it before I started my Keto journey. Since collagen is made from animals, there is no vegan option. Comment below and share a picture on Instagram with the hashtag #pickuplimes, OMEGA-3 » recommendations for vegans, simplified, 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Let us know how it went! 1. I would like to know if I can replace the coconut oil with coconut extract? But while most such coffee drinks use loads of cream and sugary syrups, this one is much healthier. The collagen is totally optional and flavorless so it’s not necessary unless you want to add a little extra protein in which case you could try an unflavored protein powder though it may change the taste and consistency. I have not tried this so I’m not sure how this would taste. I don’t have the collagen so I used a half scoop of my vanilla protein powder. I consume upwards of 6T a day of gelatin. She’s a co-founder of The Real Food RDs and content creator of simple and wholesome recipes. You sure can – you just won’t be getting any protein. While neither of us practices intermittent fasting, sometimes it just happens as working moms. All that to say that there isn’t a lot of evidence for or against monk fruit at this time and we don’t recommend it or discourage it but rather encourage you to use it in moderation just like we’d recommend for honey or maple syrup. Of course, we always encourage you to do what works best for you. Drinking this as I type. Hi! Just curious if the collagen powder also contains A-1 casein? However, if you’re opposed to using ‘vegetable liquid’ then we suggest you use REAL milk if dairy isn’t a problem for you. What kind of coconut milk do you like to use?? Thanks. I’m so happy to hear you’ve found a new morning drink. For the coconut milk, do you mean canned or boxed (i.e. Its devine!! Bring to a boil, then remove from the heat. As a Postal Carrier that walks on average 14 miles a day, this product helps me with keeping my joints healthy and flexible. In which case, I’d say skip it and just have a protein-rich breakfast like eggs or Greek yogurt. Normally coffee is served with a meal but, let’s be honest, sometimes it IS the meal—especially for parents (or entrepreneurs, or those with long commutes, or those who aren’t a fan of breakfast). It’s a new favorite for me because i love my morning cup and I’m glad it got an upgrade because I recently discovered I have leaky gut and giving up sugar and grains is hard enough without having to give up my coffee. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. coconut sugar, ginger powder, cinnamon powder, nutmeg, beetroot and 2 more Turmeric Cinnamon Latte Port and Fin ground cinnamon, boiling water, ground turmeric, honey, black pepper and 1 more With that said, and most importantly, do what makes you feel your best! I’m just getting into my nutrition journey and trying to learn as much as I can! When milk is almost boiling, add turmeric, ginger powder, cinnamon, coconut powder, vanilla, and black pepper to pot and then mix well with a whisk. Sign up to get your FREE recipe ebook + weekly newsletter! Remove from heat. Thanks for your help! INGREDIENTS . Thanks for sharing! I love the addition of turmeric and the black pepper to enhance absorption of the turmeric. Dec 22, 2019 - Start your day off right with this creamy delicious cinnamon coconut latte - abundant in metabolism boosting fats and gut-healing collagen. It’s so good! Or when we travel. Select a store to view availability. You’re so welcome! Servings: 2 (of approx. coconut oil (or coconut oil + 1 tsp. Pour the warm cinnamon coconut milk mixture overtop your espresso. This isn’t dangerous or anything is it? I already add cinnamon and VP collagen peptides to my morning coffee but this was a good change too. #recipereview #pickuplimes #plantbasedHere it is, the first of many! Can the above work with earl gray tea? Thank you!! They’ve combined their love of nutrition, health and real food with the concepts of ease and convenience to bring you recipes that are big on flavor but short on ingredients. Glutamine and glycine, two amino acids abundant in gelatin and collagen peptides, are essential for healthy digestion. I like my coffee hot. I don’t like coffee but it sounded good. Fantastic! Butter is dairy. I love new ways of using collagen peptides! Heaven! Love your site? ghee or unsalted grass-fed butter (for dairy-free option or if you’re allergic to dairy- add additional coconut oil) 1/4-1/2 tsp. I Love when people let you know what products you use in your recipes. I don’t know about you, but my morning cup of coffee can literally set the tone for my entire day. Ingredients to make an iced latte with cinnamon and vanilla: 2 shots of espresso; 1 pump vanilla simple syrup; 2 ounces milk; frothed; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; caramel for drizzle; ice; How to make a Cinnamon Vanilla Iced Latte: Brew two shots of espresso. Feel free to omit it in this recipe if you wish. Trust me, once you try this cinnamon coconut latte, it will be your permanent morning jam! Cinnamon fasting tea adds blood sugar support and a natural cinnamon flavor that comforts. Hope this is helpful! I think it sets the tone for my entire day and I always look forward to making it. 2 tsp. Or any other suggestions? Blending it with a frother, immersion blender or a quick blend in the blender will help make it nice and creamy again. Sometimes were not Dairy-Free and Vegan option. You could certainly omit one or the other or both if you wish and the latte will still turnout delicious! This looks so good! Yes, you can use strongly-brewed Earl Grey tea in this recipe. This recipe has my name written all over it! Love this coffee and I don’t miss the sweetner! It makes me break out pretty bad. This latte will rock your world! I’m surprised at how much I liked this! The only question I would have is I don’t drink coffee so what brand of tea and flavor do you recommend? Truly yummy. Thanks for the feedback and your kind words . And I totally know what you’re saying about the bubbles…it takes a second for the foam to appear- almost like magic! This Cinnamon Collagen Latte gives you all the comfort of a traditional latte, without the sugary carb crash, and works to repair your gut! I can’t have coffee but this looks amazing, and I can have black tea! But misleading. Using more gelatin means you wouldn’t need as much protein for other sources. Enjoy! I’ve always wanted to try one of these but I can have coconut oil. Top with foamed milk or whipped cream, and a sprinkle of cinnamon overtop if desired. I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for that. Brew your coffee, combine in blender with other ingredients, and blend on high for 10-20 seconds, or until … I’m sipping my creamy, frothy coffee as I type this too . Glad you enjoyed this delicious drink! My favorite is to put a cinnamon stick instead of the ground cinnamon into the milk. I feel that, with other gut-healing practices, that my gut-health has improved tremendously. Love love love! IT is yummy!! The coziest, creamy chai ginger latte made with light coconut milk, warming spices like cinnamon and cardamom, and made extra special with Prince of Peace Ginger Honey Crystals! Healing a leaky gut is can be tough but it’s so worth it. Can’t wait to try it! Hi, Can I use gelatin instead of collagen? The purpose of peptidase is to break the peptides down into their individual amino acids so you can absorb them. We’ve updated the recipe to reflect this. Meanwhile, brew the espresso into your desired cups. It does a little bit if you let it set and cool. What can you use in the place of the vital protein. I’m using Trader Joe’s organic full fat coconut milk… but is it ok to keep heating (to incorporate the cream), refrigerating, and reheating? . It was so good! ★☆ All photos and content are copyright protected. This is great! I love lattes, especially when you don’t have to leave the house for them! Can you make a tea version of this drink? This will become a norm in our morning routine! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Pour the mixture directly into a blender and add the brewed coffee and any remaining ingredients. We suggest using an organic unrefined/virgin coconut oil for this recipe. Hope that clear things up. You wrote, “We aim to consume 2-3 tablespoons per day and this cinnamon coconut latte is an easy and delicious way to add collagen to your daily nutrition intake”. In a medium saucepan melt the coconut oil, butter, and coconut milk on medium heat. Do you think boiling cinnamon for a few days and keep I the fridge will give the same benefits of cinnamon? In a small sauce pan, combine the pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, a tiny pinch of black pepper and the … Add ice to cup and pump vanilla into the cup. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We prefer the UNSALTED butter and will update the recipe to me more specific. Sounds good, just need to find a decaffeinated coffee I like. I know I’m rare, in that I don’t drink coffee due to taste and also stay away from caffeine. But would love the healing benefits of this. Thanks for sharing! Game on! évén béttér, it’s packéd with nutritional propértiés that aré gut-héaling, métabolism boosting, and will kéép you satisfiéd all morning long. However, like other non-nutritive sweeteners, there is some limited research that indicates it MAY impair gut health by way of destroying beneficial gut bacteria (keep in mind that many of these studies are looking at other sweeteners and not necessarily monk fruit). ghee or unsalted grass-fed butter (for dairy-free option or if you’re allergic to dairy- add additional coconut oil) 1/4-1/2 tsp. It’s refreshing, slightly sweet and it kind of feels like having dessert in a glass. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Both collagen and coconut oil contain gut healing properties. Yes, it can be. Thank you! Yay! I love that it’s lighter than normal BPC. Either will work. I am so pleased to have found you ladies, giving the advice on organic, real whole foods that I give to my clients. I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed our version of bulletproof coffee! At Thé Réal Food Diétitians wé’ré big fans of collagén. Thank you for creating and sharing this delicious recipe. Thank you for this recipe! I can’t wait to try it; thanks so much for sharing! I also will reheat my cup of coffee in the microwave if I don’t drink it fast enough. What I do when I open a can of full fat coconut milk is throw all of the contents in the blender – whip it up and then store it in a mason jar in the fridge. Is there anyway to make this with a tea vs coffee? It’s a simple, no-fuss recipe that you can easily make at home. You definitely can. So yummy! Apr 28, 2019 - Start the day with this super satisfying Cinnamon Coconut Latte that gets its creaminess from fat rather than cream. Hi Stacie, I bought the Ghee Butter, really good! Save 20% on your next Purity Coffee order using code REALFOODRDS at checkout. So im very excited about adding the gelatin as well. I expect to not be hungry for a while and will make this again! I often make this with matcha and it’s heavenly! 1 cup each) Prep Time: 5 min Cook Time: 10 min Total Time: 15 min. I had been putting the Vital Proteins in my coffee but now this just jazzed it up. coconut butter) 1/2-1 tsp. What are you thoughts on monk fruit and gut health? Thank you! I would recommend taking out just want you need to heat up….for food safety reasonings. Hot Cinnamon Golden Milk Latte Add milk of choice to a small saucepan over medium high heat. This is great. This will not affect the flavor or consistency – they’re just there to add a little boost of amino acids and protein. Cinnamon Coconut Latte Whilé this cofféé drink isn’t swéét pér sé it suré is créamy and frothy! This iced cinnamon latte has been one of my summertime favorites lately. This does not explain why or how the recipe is “gut healing.” I tend to use Califia coconut creamer too. I will also not be using ghee. boiling water, full fat coconut milk, medjool dates, ground cinnamon and 7 more Turmeric Cashew Latte KitchenAid freshly ground black pepper, ground cinnamon, natural vanilla extract and 5 … What is the real benefit of this? I find that hard to believe since broth and the liquid/juices from slow-cooked meats are incredibly rich sources of collagen and gelatin and they’re both hot. There are many variations on this cinnamon latte recipe. Servings: 2 ( of approx place of the cinnamon powder meditative routine. That would give protein without using a processed product to slow-digesting fat ) turns out honey added! Can opt-out if you use in your browser only with your cinnamon coconut latte we prefer the unsalted butter of... Going to be a little sweeter, so i added some vanilla coconut milk creamer tea this! Of course, we always encourage you to do what makes you feel your!! Much healthier bone broth??????????????. 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