© 2009 Justin Thacker Used by kind permission of the author. War is not unique to humanity. You have every right to believe what you will, but we should all be honest and not sling mud where it is not warranted. Read More. It's irrelevant and obsolete, because the vast majority of the wars have been strictly non-religious. That much is true. Other species—including ants, bees, and chimpanzees—wage war, understood as the organized, collective use of lethal violence against external enemies (such as for control of territory). It takes people to manage that feat. The crusades are a great example of how religion can cause a war. So often is this sentiment heard in the best sellers from Richard Dawkins to Sam Harris that it has almost become a proverb. A personal God or gods. It's a highly motivated individual. RELIGION CAUSES WAR: PROS AND CONS There are many arguments and counter-arguments when discussing the topic of religion causing war. No. The revolutionary war was caused because British rebels wanted religious freedom (and freedom from heavy taxation). Fanatics, who are sick by clinical definition, twist religion to serve their purposes -- including war. The, Does religion cause war? First reason on the denial religion as the main cause of war is the devotees’ misconception. De Tocqueville is remembered among other things for having taught us that disestablishment or the separation of church and state, which America was the first nation to institutionalize, was good for both civil society and religion. In this, they may use religion as a motivating factor (whether or not the religion of the enemies is different), but that doesn’t make religion the cause of war. Recently there has been an argument circulating around anti-religious beliefs that “religion has been the cause of more wars and conflicts than any other factor” (Pimentel). RELIGION CAUSES WAR: PROS AND CONS There are many arguments and counter-arguments when discussing the topic of religion causing war. According to Robison religion is "A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, ... the Thirty Years’ War is a series of religious wars that were fought in between 1618 to 1648 in Europe. India is culturally, linguistically, religiously and to a certain extent, ethnically, one of the most diverse if not the most diverse country in the world. Religion in its pure form is not a war creating belief. The 2nd Sino Japanese War 4. There were many wars fought over religion. To put it in other words, while religion takes caution against the norms and the values related to globalization, it challenges the latter since it (religion) does not approve its hybridizing effects. Other religious sects exist amongst distinct groups. It was primarily a Christian objection. Many critics argue that throughout history, religion has been the single greatest source of human-caused wars, suffering, and misery. The shiny red toy? (Pro Side) Critics on the other side counter that modern secular ideological movements are actually responsible for much greater, debated. Bible scriptures say, “war is the cause of sin in the world not god ” (King James Version, Matt. It serves as a check for those who can't control their evil nature. Religious people tend to believe that their particular religion is the only correct one and all the others are false. Non religious people would blame religion from the violence recorded in history like Crusaders and Islamic wars. Even one war would be too many for a institution that is supposed to be a force for good. Religion, then, was not thought of as somehow separate from the rest of life and therefore could not be specifically identified as the cause of war. Can this be the very reason why lives of innocent people are snatched away? I think many times race, Property and power are some of the causal factor instead. If you are an atheist, I ask for your intellectual honesty in evaluating this question. The Qing Conquest of the Ming Dynasty5. Religion as the Cause of War? JUSTINE TOH: There’s no doubt religion has contributed significantly to conflicts, but it’s also true that removing religion doesn’t solve the problem. Laying war at the feet of religion, Religion has played a major role in the lives of most cultures whether it is Christian, Islamic, Judaism, or another religious faith, but has it been the leading cause of war throughout history? In a lot of cases the combatants and leaders are not rational. The Vietnam war was caused because of America's ethical objection to communism. 11 Cons of Religion. The Smerican Revolution was about freedom and taxation. Since time immemorial, men have fought each other in wars caused by religion. Religious people tend to believe that their particular religion is the only correct one and all the others are false. While religion may be a factor, Only 7percent of all wars were caused by religion. They can range from freedom, oil, and religion. "Now the First Crusade was likely what caused the chain reaction that caused the next 7 Crusades, so let me explain to you how the First Crusade was actually more POLITICAL rather than RELIGOUS.The Crusades did you know actually originated when the Byzantine emperor Alexius The Third gave a request to the pope asking for back up as the Seljuk Turks advanced into Byzantine occupied Anatolia (modern day Turkey). It actually suggests bigger possibilities for those who were born in the family … Every culture and society in the world has some form of religion. This kind of war that partakes of the nature of a cleansing act had its modern version in the Serbian Christians' attempt on ethnic cleansing to clear the newly created republic of Kosovo of its majority Muslim population so that the minority Christians of Kosovo could take over. Does religion cause war? Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Many critics argue that throughout history, religion has been the single greatest source of human-caused wars, suffering, and misery. God refers to sin as being the force that drives the world it provokes conduct involving one’s flesh and mind. Present day war are result of the scheme devised by the materialistic mind.Strife and disorder in the world is created by the negation of justice , result of transgression which opposite human compassion - sincerely practice religion never led to war and violence. Event the christian religion is full of racist and homophobic nonsense. Pros and Cons of Religion- causes war crimes commented in God's name ; gives us a scapegoat.Religion gives you unattainable goals.Religion causes wars.Religion causes hate; Religion as a whole gives mankind a scapegoat. Religion, on its own, doesn't start conflict. Show More. Only about 8% of total wars in the history of mankind can be classified as religious. There are so many conflicts sparked by religion today. It is said so often that people believe it without question. And the “Religion As A Cause Of War” is an opinion based on discursive writing. What was an ultimate motivator to Germanys invasion of Poland was from their losing of WWI, Which I might add had absolutely NOTHING to do with religionThe other war that had something to do with religion was the Taiping Rebellion, in which I will admit touché, you have a point.Now I counter I likely agreement "What about the Crusades? In a 1998 study published in the American … The primarily set of doctrines, Religion Causes War." The Muslim bam is more about the color of most Muslims skin than their religious beliefs. Religion As A Cause Of War. All wars include religion, however, there are wars that are simply caused by greed or other forms of selfishness. When talking about the pros and cons of religion, one must examine all of the radicals that come with any mass belief, no matter how pure and good-willed it might be. ISIS is a Muslim society, which paints a negative picture on the religion, but they are extremists. The main wars you would call religious wars are not caused by religion but caused by political and ideological radicals using manipulated religion to cover up their causes. It has always been true, before we even had tools. The purpose of our magazine is to … The accusation that religion causes war is especially simplistic when applied to the pre-modern era. Speech ... Book, etc. Horrendous wars. In the bloodiest war in U.S. history, the Civil War, the North and the South had the same religion. These wars were for territorial conquest, to control borders, secure trade routes, or respond to an internal challenge to political authority. To define the debate, this is all about debating if religion is the real reason for war or not. To put it in other words, while religion takes caution against the norms and the values related to globalization, it challenges the latter since it (religion) does not approve its hybridizing effects. The cause of wars is people that manipulate religion. Many critics argue that throughout history, religion has been the single greatest source of human-caused wars, suffering, and misery. Richard Dawkins an evolutionist, and agnostic, states that “religion causes wars by generating certainty” (Thacker). Strife and war in this world comes about when justice is contravened or when the beneficence of a benefactor is denied or we fail to show compassion to others. 999 Words 4 Pages. Religion does not cause wars because religion doesn't even permit killing of other people. The wars of the ancient world were rarely, if ever, based on religion. Rules: Round 1 will be for acceptance. I do not think that religion motivates a person to start a conflict because that is just unreasonable. But, in a few cases I believe that he does not provide proper evidence for his statements (a weakness). And that killing truth is indeed part of the problem. Historically speaking you would have to be bananas to believe that religion doesn't cause war. It is jealousy and greed that makes us want what we do not have. Many will argue that a cause of religion wars is for economic and political reasons, but others argue that those who start wars are, by definition, not religious. As a Pro, I will give proofs that religion is not the cause of war. CONS. With our without Religion. Nazis wanted to cleanse the world of anyone who was aryan. The entire reason the Middle East is so unstable is because of fighting over religion- mostly Muslims versus Jews. Our topic we are portraying are the pros and and cons of religion. Religion does not cause war , - it is misconception. Religion has historically been a source of war on conflict between people ever since people started believing in it. No religion holds the supreme power to rule over other religion. It's what half of the above saying means: Human nature is deeply intertwined with violence and killing, and we as a species need to evolve past that in order to move forward into the vast playground of the Universe. The Holocaust wasn't entirely Religiously motivated what caused the Second World War. religion is just the fuel they use to get people to fight for them, as it is easier to get some to fight for something they belief in than getting them to fight on your side. While there’s no denying that campaigns such as the Crusades and the Thirty Years’ War foundationally rested on religious ideology, it is simply incorrect to assert that religion has been the primary cause of war. The civil war was caused by religion. This, in turn, may affect how participants speak, reason about, or justify conflict. Granted other things cause war too like money, but the majority of wars in history can be traced back to religion. JUSTINE TOH: There’s no doubt religion has contributed significantly to conflicts, but it’s also true that removing religion doesn’t solve the problem. The media (mostly controlled by the same interests as the warmongers) control public opinion and we all live in fear. But they hated Jews as a race as well as religion. According to me, you both are right. However, many humans fail to see past that belief; they are unable to understand that religion is just a small factor amongst the many contributing to the cause of wars. On this planet Earth, there have been many wars fought over many different things. Religion divides people into separate groups and tells them that they are incompatible with each other. 777 Words 4 Pages. of religion on war is constitutive, not causal: religion principally shapes the identity of the actors and how they conceive of war, its meaning and context. History simply does not support the hypothesis that religion is the major cause of conflict. Your opinions? Big minds in hiding the truth make the whole world blind and deaf, until the experts dig in. He uses force to get what he wants. Religion is the belief and it should not hurt the emotions of the other human by demoralizing the other human being. The Pros And Cons Of Religion; The Pros And Cons Of Religion. However, he does a good job at describing the background and chronological history of the events happening in the Americas surrounding religion and the Mexican-American War without it feeling like one is reading a history textbook (a strength). This was when Pope Urban the Second went a little over the top and declared a "Crusade". The Taiping RebellionAs I have done research on all 5 of these catastrophic wars I came to learn something: Very few of them were caused by religion.World War 2 was ultimately caused by the rise of Nazi Germany after their terrible defeat at world War 2, now I know what some of you are thinking "Oh but what about the Holocaust". When he implies certainty in his quote, does he mean that this is a fact he is, RELIGION CAUSES WAR:
The Pros And Cons Of Religion. In fact, religion is merely a tool and an excuse used to hide the need for power and sins of the human nature. These wars can involve one nation fighting against another who have different beliefs, There is a conventional belief among many individuals that religion is the main cause of the present and past wars inflicting torment within the world. And then he will intone this sentence (which is repeating it like a kind of mantra), “Religion has been the cause of all the major wars in history.” Utter nonsense! The question here is, does religion really cause wars? I do not think religion plays a part in the conflict because in history, wars were started by greed, power and the thirst for resources.
It provides justification for the killing of others and the promise of reward for martyrs. 11 Cons of Religion Religion has historically been a source of war on conflict between people ever since people started believing in it. When they advanced into Constantinople Alexius was furious at their massive numbers as he asked for just a few reinforcements to drive the Turks back. War has numerous causes but religion is one of the most dangerous causes. The god is same in every religion, it’s the people … 2. So what does Larry do? PROS AND CONS
World War 22. But does Jesus Christ, and do those who submit themselves wholeheartedly to Him and His teaching? Here are some wars caused by religion: The crusades (all seven of them), the Thirty Years' War, the conquest of Spain, and the Taiping Rebellion, just to name a few. Larry tries to take the shiny red toy, but guess what! What else is the intention of al-Qaeda if not religious? In sum, you can blame it on something else, but war will always happen. Name wars caused by religion. And then he will intone this sentence (which is repeating it like a kind of mantra), “Religion has been the cause of all the major wars in history.” Utter nonsense! But who is moving that pen? Rules: Round 1 will be for acceptance. JUSTINE TOH: There’s no doubt religion has contributed significantly to conflicts, but it’s also true that removing religion doesn’t solve the problem. Humanity is persistently inconsistent and complex, even in the reasons we kill: desperation, survival, anger or accident, to name a few of the big ones. I would argue that a major cause of most (but not all) wars is religion. There will be multiple poems to describe the pros and cons of religion. Numbers say otherwise. Any religion that takes accountability away from it's followers allows people to justify killing others and has lead and still leads to many cases of civil unrest and war. Advantages of Religion: 1. You have every right to believe what you will, but we should all be honest and not sling mud where it is not warranted. The Mongol Conquests 3. Among these factors, it may be the misinterpretation of religious teachings, Religion has its shares of promoting violence. This article examines four pros and cons of religion. Of course religion can cause wars, but of course not every war is caused for religion. I accept sometime war have been taken place in the name of religion but these have been result of discarded the teaching of religion. The thirty years war was one of the absolute longest and most destructive, and brutal conflicts in European history. The crusades and jihads are the best examples of religious fanatics exporting their religion via war. And yes, this is a FACT, and not a made-up percentage. In reality, separating religion out of economic and political motives can be involved in such a way finding religious motives innocent of much. But, in fact, religion does not cause war. A Muslim child plays during the first day of Eid al Fitr at a mosque in Bangkok, Thailand, on June 15, 2018. The main wars you would call religious wars are not caused by religion but caused by political and ideological radicals using manipulated religion to cover up their causes. If you look at the Global Peace Index (which measure conflicts, homicide, and militarization among other things) it becomes clear that there is a correlation between religiosity and violence. He was the Prince of Peace and he remains the only hope for real peace – even, perhaps especially, in the Middle East. However, a common theme among scriptures of various religion is the clear division between “the chosen ones” and the “not chosen ones” depending on our stance about. Does religion cause war? Even if there was an absolute agreement on religion, or lack there of- People would still find a way to fight. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. PROS AND CONS. Instead you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself how to fix your own problems or stop and think before you act. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Title explains itself but let me go further:Now I did some research on the top 5 most bloody wars in history and here is what I got:1. Believing in an all-powerful God therefore being part of a universal plan for eternal salvation requires faith in God and the following of his message contained in a sacred text. What we do not have religion does n't even permit killing of other.... Of God, or the Devil made me do it conflict between people ever since people started believing it! Skirmish can be traced back to religion in its pure form is not a creating. Can motivate otherwise good people to do horrible things and feel righteous for them like religion played a role a. Pure form is not a made-up percentage little wars caused by religion Urban the Second world war. in. U.S. history, religion has does religion cause war: pros and cons the single greatest source of human-caused wars suffering... 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