Oshurst, P.A., Carlson, J.A., Nowicki, T, Field, M., Scott Smith, B.H., 1998. spatter) generated by fire-fountain style eruptions. Here, we present new findings from deep (>400 m below surface) mining, sampling and drilling work in the A154N kimberlite volcano that require a revision of previous geological and emplacement models and provide a window into how the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) below Diavik was sampled by kimberlite magmas through time. The presence of smaller solid clasts, of fine-grained VK as well as mudstone xenoliths, and rare wood fragments within the upper TK also, this later eruption include the presence of diabase, dykes that may have structurally weakened the, wall-rock and/or weakening of the country rock by, conduits for groundwater and it is possible that, phreatomagmatism played a significant role in the, Fig. The contact, between these two phases is sharp with no evidence. Stasiuk, L.D., Sweet, A.R., Issler, D.R., Kivi, K., Lockhart, G.D., Dyck, D.R., 2003. This suggests that, unlike other mRVK units at Ekati. The, latter include pipes infilled with steep, irregular VK blocks/wedges and at least one case in which the pipe is occupied by, well-defined sub-horizontal VK phases, including a unique, 100-m-thick graded sequence. These sills range in thickness from 0.25 to 5 m. New perovskite and baddeleyite U/Pb dating produced ages of 85.7 ± 4.4 Ma and 86.5 ± 2.6 Ma, respectively, which are consistent with previous age determinations and indicate emplacement coeval with other kimberlites of the Kimberley cluster. proportions of micro- to cryptocrystalline serpentine. Both P- and S-wave models also reveal the signature of a northward dipping, subducting Wrangell slab across the southern region of the Alaska/Yukon border. They form vertical pipelike structures that penetrate the surrounding rock. It displays a uniform character, throughout with no compelling evidence for distinc-, The emplacement processes responsible for forma-, tion of the Fox pipe are highly uncertain. The composition and certain textural features of pipe-fill CK can be interpreted to reflect formation by pyroclastic processes that involved a loss of volatiles and fines, and a concentration of olivine crystals relative to intrusive magmatic kimberlite. In addition, the nature of the pipe infill, and absence of any evidence for cross-cutting intru-, suggests that infilling of the pipe from depths of, 350 to 400 m upwards took place by episodic, depositional events without any significant contribu-, As previously discussed for Panda, the textural, characteristics of the PVK (Phase 6) in Koala indicate. The whole-rock compositions of, VK samples suggest significant loss of kimberlitic fines during eruption followed by variable dilution by surface, and concurrent incorporation of kimberlitic ash. Although the size of the pipes is, considerably reduced at depth (e.g. Mine operations consist of surface workings extending 29.54 hectares (73.00 acres). olivine) material evident in most drill intersections. Kimberlite pipes are the most important source of mined diamonds today. Kimberlite pipe shown in dark blue. Phanerozoic cover and environment of kimberlite, No Phanerozoic cover rocks are currently pre-, served in the Lac de Gras region, but palynology, studies of fossil-bearing shale xenoliths and disag-, gregated mud material within the Ekati kimberlites, and other bodies of the Lac de Gras field indicate the, presence of late-Cretaceous and early-Tertiary cover, sediments at the time of emplacement. Present-day northwestern Canada juxtaposes a thin and hot Cordilleran lithosphere to the thick and cold cratonic lithosphere, which has important implications for regional geodynamics. Further kimberlite pipe delineation drilling is usually done to constrain the geometry of the pipe from the surface down to a zone between 300-400 metres in depth. However, its, distinctive geological characteristics suggest that these, processes differed from those responsible for the, formation of most other Ekati kimberlites. The picture in this slide in the top right is a satellite image of the featured Kalahari desert in Southern Botswana roughly circular features are shallow sulk pans unrelated to kimberlites. hosted in sediments, placid’s are secondary deposits and all diamonds were at one time or another hosted by kimberlite igneous rocks. A number of distinct VK varieties, are evident. The Ekati kimberlites range in age from 45 to 75 Ma. identical compositions for liquidus olivine rims (Mg# = 90.5 ± 0.1 and 90.7 ± 0.2, It is suggested that this required a sustained, high, energy eruption (or series of eruptions) that did not, involve significant interaction with wall rocks and, which is likely to have been driven primarily by, magmatic processes, i.e. PVK has, been intersected to a depth of 567 m. The boundary, between Phase 6 and Phase 5 is gradational with, intermixing of mRVK and oVK evident over a zone, volcaniclastic material to depths of approximately, infilling, the kimberlite pipe must have been an open, feature from at least this depth to surface at the time, of eruption. The, textural characteristics of PVK (i.e. Unlike Phase 5, there, is no indication of for large wall-rock boulders, The origin of the very thick, well-graded upper-, most phase in Koala (Phase 1/2) is somewhat enig-, matic. (2004). ), Proceedings of the. even occur within fine-grained, olivine-poor intervals. Figure 2: Location of the L46 and L259 kimberlites at Lulo For personal use only. Spinel evolutionary trends The location of diamond-bearing kimberlite appears to be controlled by a number of geologic constraints. Geochemical character of southern African kim-. The kimberlites intrude Archean basement of the central Slave craton. In contrast, Group II kimberlites are inferred to originate from sources within ancient stabilized subcontinental lithosphere characterized by time-averaged incompatible element enrichment. While phrea-, tomagmatic processes may have played an important, role in the early stages of eruption and, in rare cases, (e.g. Abstracts, 7th International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, Field, M., Scott Smith, B.H., 1999. The geology of the Misery, Northwest Canada; geological implications. external HK units (Cr# = 86.9± 2.7; Mg# = 52.8 ± 1.9). low H2O/CO2 ratios, were retained during the emplacement of this magma, which likely The consensus on kimberlites is that they are formed deep within the mantle. syn- to post-tectonic plutons (ca. kimberlite pipes are found in clusters, at depths they link up with dykes, a wall like body of igneous rock formed as the effect of having been pushed up into a crack in a heated or liquid condition. The concentra-. Volcanic pipes or volcanic conduits are subterranean geological structures formed by the violent, supersonic eruption of deep-origin volcanoes. * Kimberlite also occurs as horizontal sills. The, mineralogy of MK dykes is more variable with, monticellite, phlogopite-carbonate and serpentine-, carbonate varieties identified in thin section. While a primary pyroclastic origin cannot be, entirely ruled out, it is considered more likely that, these units represent crystal-rich crater-rim deposits, that were resedimented and variably reworked by, mass slumping as well as by high-concentration mass, flow processes. Kimberlites: Mineralogy, Geochemistry and, rison, S., 2003. Exploration assessments on the basis of shallow (<150 m) drilling alone may underestimate the volume and/or diamond potential, particularly for isolated (i.e., unclustered) bodies. Contacts between oliv-, ine-rich and ash-rich sections of the core, as well as, between xenolith-rich and xenolith-poor zones, are, typically gradational and distinct geological bound-, aries or marker horizons are not evident. (olivine-rich) sand; 3—massive, pale, olivine-rich VK; 4—bedded, pale, olivine-rich VK; 6a and 6b—dark, fine-grain. Observed variations in the bulk composition of coherent kimberlites correlate with their mode of emplacement and petrographic characteristics. At least one dike has been intersected and studied. The mud/ash that is prevalent in the VK, lithologies described above is either absent or present. It is a volumetrically important component of, the Panda, Koala and Lynx pipes, amongst others. Program with Abstracts, vol. : Evidence for progressive breakup of an Archean supercontinent. regards to the formation of the Fox kimberlite: its large size—i.e. Fig. Locational and other information for the diamond deposits and kimberlites, lamproites, ultramafic lampropyhyres and garnet-peridotite facies alkali basalts Something like 80% of the world diamond production comes either from Sub-Sahara in Africa or Russia. volcanic quiescence (e.g., A154N), or changes in magma flux or hydrologic conditions (e.g., A418). Inclusions of crichtonite-group minerals in Cr-pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Siberian Craton: Crystal chemistry, parageneses and relationships to … 4 KIMBERLITIC SILLS, WESSELTON KIMBERLITE PIPE, SOUTH AFRICA.Figure 3. Long Abstracts, 8th International Kimberlite, Mitchell, R.H., 1986. There have only been approximately 6,400 kimberlites identified on the planet. %, respectively). The majority of diamonds recovered from th, advanced exploration sampling programs have been, individually weighed and described to facilitate dia-, mond population studies and to better constrain value, estimates. Extension (2) and Misery Northeast (5) pipes are occupied by, volcaniclastic kimberlite, whereas the Misery East pipe (7), East and, Northeast extensions (9, 4) and Misery Mid-east dyke (6) are, hypabyssal intrusions of magmatic kimberlite. The terminology used in this paper, This rock type is dark, generally massive to, crudely bedded, poorly sorted, matrix-supported, to pervasively serpentinised, commonly angular ol-, ivine crystals, scattered mudstone and wall-rock, wood fragments set in a dark, friable, very fine-, grained, clastic matrix dominated by probable dis-, variable, ranging from small fragments of 0.1 mm, or less to large (generally rounded) macrocrysts, exceeding 10 mm in diameter, but typically ranges. Probably the densest cluster of pipes on, the property occurs at the intersection of the major, ‘305’ dyke system with a concentration of MacKenzie, dykes and Lac de Gras dykes, north of the northeast-, Age dating of more than 30 kimberlites at Ekati, emplacement ages from ca. Generalized grade data for the Ekati pipes, are available in Dyck et al. Quartz is generally absent. Kimberlite discovered at Tsabong North Project has a +20 hectare aeromagnetic anomaly associated with it Two additional diamond drill core holes will be completed to intersect a minimum of 100 meters of kimberlite Additional undrilled kimberlite targets in the project area have the same magnetic signature TORONTO, ONTARIO (May 15, 2013) - Pangolin Diamonds Corp.… Data on 780 kimberlite locations from Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland and Namibia , yielding a total 607,620 spatial relationships (not shown here) have been analysed. The final phase of pipe infilling, is thought to have involved large-scale collapse of, crater rim material into a deep crater lake, resulting in, the formation of a unique very thick (ca. In partic-, ular, the presence of abundant, highly altered xeno-, lithic material in the TK phase indicates that vent, clearing was not as effective as is inferred for other, pipes. Fresh kimberlite is hard and a dark blue green color and as it oxidizes it becomes much softer and changes to a yellow brown. The answer lies in the stone size and quality. Discovered in 1971, this is the first- and best-known of more than 20 kimberlite bodies that have been discovered in northern Michigan. The sedimentary lithologies occur as rela-, tively narrow (0.5 to 2 m) intervals at the tops of, graded VK units (generally grading downwards into. Thus, nearly 100 years after the first diamonds were found in the Lake Superior region, a potential source of the diamonds was discovered. The Northern Canadian Cordillera (NCC) is an actively deforming orogenic belt in northwestern Canada. Image showing the results of magnetic surveys conducted last fall at one of the kimberlite locations in Riley County. MK occurs primarily as volumetrically, insignificant narrow dykes, as described in Section. You can read more, below. The wall-rocks, at Fox are similar to those of Panda, Koala and Koala, North but also include numerous diabase dykes, de Gras dyke swarms and trend at approximately 335, The Fox pipe is made up of two very distinct, 150 m thick) infilled with mRVK very similar to that, observed in other Ekati kimberlites; and a lower, diatreme-shaped zone occupied by comparatively ho-, mogeneous tuffisitic kimberlite (TK). Once identified, the only way to test the deposit for diamonds is to sample it, a subject that I’ll discuss next week. The origin of kimberlite pipes: an, interpretation based on a synthesis of geological features dis-, played by southern African occurrences. T. tion of granitoid plutonic rocks in the Archean Slave Province, Northwest Canadian Shield. depths of hundreds of metres within the kimberlites, suggesting that the current exposure level of these, bodies is very unlikely to be more than a few, hundred metres below the original surface (i.e. Entrained wood and soft surface sediments recovered from the LDG kimberlite pipes indicate minimal surface erosion (< ~300 m) after kimberlite emplacement, ... Diamonds were recovered from the Misery Southwest Extension, which is one of the kimberlite bodies of the Misery kimberlite complex within the Ekati Mine. However, the PVK samples display a, LREE/HREE ratios. These are typically rela-, Olivine-rich VK occurs in three main lithological, associations: (1) as the coarse-grained basal portion of, graded sequences (on scales of tens of centimetres to, tens of metres) where it is typically overlain by finer-. What have you learnt on diamonds and kimberlites: Firstly all diamonds originate in kimberlite pipes or dykes including those in placid deposits. fresh (i.e. Analytical methods and data sources as per, join related VK samples from the Lynx, Panda and Koala kimberlites. This material is rich in olivine, serpentine-dominated interclast matrix. No Phanerozoic, The Ekati property, Northwest Territories, Canada, hosts in excess of 150 volcanic kimberlite pipes occupied by a wide variety of rock types including coherent, magmatic material and a range of fragmental, volcaniclastic deposits of both pyroclastic and resedimented origin. In the January - February issue of Cotton Indian Gems, I reported Rex diamond mines had found diamonds in Mauritania, they have now moved into the next phase to test for value and grade per ton. This is because the stability of cratons keeps the narrow kimberlite pipe geometry intact. In, particular, the nature of the pipe infill material and, the absence of any evidence of cross-cutting intru-, sions or zones of brecciation/disruption suggests that, infilling of the pipe from depths of 350 to 400 m, upwards took place by episodic depositional processes, eruptions from Koala. Soft sediment deforma-, tion features are commonly present. Kimberlite eruption, small but powerful volcanic eruption caused by the rapid ascent of kimberlites—a type of intrusive igneous rock originating in the asthenosphere—through the lithosphere and onto the surface of the Earth. ally angular olivine grains set in a very fine-grained, mud-dominated matrix. Its high olivine concentration and, low overall ash/mud content implies efficient removal, of fines during eruption and/or subsequent, tation. Fine-grained epiclastic material (silt-, stone and mudstone) was deposited during quiescent, periods, probably by sedimentation within a crater-, lake environment. A few speculative comments can be made with. The locations of kimberlite fields in the Slave craton and its surroundings are superimposed on 100-km depth slices as green stars in Figures 6 and 7. rocks are present. We further propose that the Tintina Fault has chiseled off small pieces of the Laurentian craton between the Late Cretaceous and the Eocene, which would imply that large lithospheric-scale shear zones are able to cut through small pieces of refractory cratonic mantle and transport them over several hundred kilometers. However, the large quantity of fragmented granodiorite (~ 30 to 45%) within Fox MVK indicates that, in contrast to other localities, the Fox eruption was unable to completely clear its vent and disperse the excavated granodiorite prior to infilling the pipe. The volcaniclastic rocks, are highly variable, with differences reflecting varia-, tions in olivine concentration and grain size, the, the presence and scale of bedding, the quantity and, nature of xenolithic material present, and the abun-, dance and character of juvenile lapilli and other, cognate clasts. Geoscience Australia and state authorities. localities host exceptionally fresh kimberlites and are therefore ideally suited to this study. In certain instances, winnowing, of fines (largely during eruption) and sorting, mass flow and grain flow processes is likely to have, played a role in concentrating and distributing dia-, The internal geology of the Ekati pipes is highly, variable, reflecting the presence of a wide range of. The geology of Diamonds consist of crystalline carbon although a significant proportion of diamonds are derived from placid deposits i.e. Generalised map of the bedrock geology of the Ekati property showing the main rock types present and disclosed kimberlite locations. examples in the Fort a la Corne area in Saskatchewan, Fig. Special Pu, Geological Society of Australia 14 (1), 632, sodes in the Paleocene and Eocene. 19, Lockhart, G.D., Grutter, H., Carlson, J.A., 2004. Small clasts (mostly 0.5 to 2 mm) of fine-. : +1-604-980-6771; fax: +1-604-980-6751. Strong P- and S-wave velocity contrasts across the Tintina Fault suggest that it is a lithosphere-scale shear zone that extends into the upper mantle beneath the NCC and demarcates distinct regions of lithospheric mantle. Sablukova et al., 1995) that only the AAIP Western Group kimberlites are potentially valuable economically (Verichev et al., 1998; L. Rombouts, personal communication, 1998). In general, this phase displays homoge-, neous textures and a relatively uniform olivine grain, size distribution (2 to 5 mm), but localized zones of, coarser-grained olivine (up to 15 mm) are present, and, in certain drill intersections, a general increase, in olivine grain size with depth is apparent. Kimberlite pipes are the most important source of mined diamonds today. The opaque minerals are predominantly mag-, nesian ulvospinels but overall they display variations, in Mg, Ti, Cr and Al contents consistent with, somewhat variable, but all of the large, pipe-filling, intrusions are monticellite-dominated varieties. The most impressive examples of kimberlite, alignment along dykes that are coincident with linea-, ments are along dykes of the NNE-trending Lac de, Gras swarm. The morphology of kimberlite pipes is varied but includes a sheeted dyke complex of tabular, vertically dipping feeder dykes in the root of the pipe which extends down to the mantle. BARNETT, M. FIELD AND L. WINDSOR 1 KIMBERLITE SILLS AND DYKES ASSOCIATED WITH THE Kimberlite pipes: How they form. respectively), with a marginally lower Mg# of 90.2 ± 0.2 in olivine rims from the external veneer of poorly consolidated muddy sediments. Consider-, ing the known presence of unconsolidated, probable, water-rich surface sediments at the time of kimberlite, emplacement, it is reasonable to expect that phreato-, magmatism played significant role in the initial stages, of kimberlite eruption. Wombat and Sue kimberlites), they dominate the, upper portions of the pipe. nature of the TK, suggests extensive turbulence. Within a single kimberlite pipe, the relative abundances and compositions of indicator minerals can also be used to con rm geologic interpretations and to identify whether geologic domains carry different mantle components and, thus, possibly different diamond populations (Galloway et al., 2009;Harder et al., 2013). The VK units all, contain minor amounts of xenolithic shale and grano-, diorite that ranges in size from tens of centimetres to, typically occurs in low concentrations ( <, but breccia units (>15% country rock material) are, present in places. Results are consistent with derivation of Group I kimberlites from asthenospheric-like sources similar to those from which oceanic island basalts are produced. MK occurs primarily as precursor dykes but, in a few cases, forms pipe-filling intrusions. (a, b) mRVK from Fox and Panda, respectively; (c) bedded (lower) and massive (upper) oVK (Panda); (d) bedded oVK (Panda); (e) TK (Fox); (f) TKB (Fox); (g) PVK (Koala). Diamond grades of economic kimberlites vary hugely. These features indicate dif-, ferent emplacement and infilling processes to those, that generated the characteristic root zones and diat-, berlites and that formed the large shallow craters of. The kimberlites intrude Archean basement of the central Slave craton. Above this elevation, however, the eastern, : The lower boundary of Phases 1 and 2 is, : The Phase 4 siltstone grades with depth, . Samples from less altered portions of, this phase indicate that these coarse-grained compo-, nents, as well as relatively abundant juvenile lapilli, are set in a matrix of pure serpentine with abundant, lapilli are cored and mostly rounded. common on the periphery of and, in some cases, adjacent to pipes but never transecting/intruding, In most cases, the kimberlite pipes at Ekati are, entirely occupied (to explored depths—200 to 600 m, below surface) by volcaniclastic kimberlite and asso-, ciated, generally relatively minor, fine-grained sedi-, ments. Plan view of the Panda, Koala North and Koala kimberlites, with current open pit excavations and the Ekati main mine complex, mite and, in some cases, ilmenite occur in trace to, minor amounts with abundance and grain size gener-, ally proportional to that of olivine. Survey of Canada, Open File Map 2967, scale 1:50,000. Thus, the geochemical trends support the, contention that this dark matrix material is dominated. ascribed to airfall deposition processes. Most of the, pipes are overwhelmingly dominated by the variably. Extended abstracts. The Precambrian rocks are overlain by Quaternary glacial sediments. HK dykes. In certain pipes, however, there appear to be gradational contacts, between the PVK and overlying RVK, resulting in, the incorporation of significant amounts of mud into, the PVK matrix. Canada (B. Kjarsgaard pers. first order transition elements by ICP-ES; all other elements by ICP-MS. the various Ekati magmatic kimberlites analysed, show broadly similar compositional features, certa, distinct differences are evident. If this is the case, then the apparent coherent character of these rocks suggests that they represent coalescence of hot, fluidal pyroclasts (i.e. U, progressive break-up of an Archean superc. On Sunday, May 19th, 1996, the 1996 Industrial Minerals Forum was led by geologist W. Dan Hausel, to the Sloan Ranch in the southern portion of the Colorado-Wyoming State Line diamond district to examine two of six diamondiferous kimberlite intrusives within the Sloan cluster. The lack of an accompanying, equivalent increase in the concentration of either, are not related to dilution of juvenile kimberlitic, material by host rocks or surface sediments, elements that are depleted in PVK relative to MK, are primarily associated with the relatively late-stage, groundmass phases in kimberlite (i.e. The presence of abundant, juvenile lapilli in the PVK suggests, however, that, magma was likely limited relative to earlier eruptions, that formed the olivine-rich VK deposits. such as outward dipping (overhanging) side walls. Explosive devolatilisation of CO, -rich kimberlite magma is interpreted to have, been the dominant eruption mechanism, but phreatomagmatism is thought to have played a role and, in certain cases, may, The Ekati property is located in the central part of, the Slave Structural Province of the Canadian Shield, in the north-central and northeastern part of, the Lac de Gras map area (76D). The mRVK is typically, rounded fragments of granodiorite and black to brown, mudstone usually constituting less than 10% of the, rock. The recent deployment of USArray Transportable Array and other seismic stations across Alaska, USA and northwestern Canada, allows us to image lithosphere and upper mantle three-dimensional seismic velocity structure at significantly improved resolution. Graded units from this kimberlite show geo-, quartz, followed by an increased concentration of, mud, as reflected in significant increases in Al, concentration accompanied by a reduction in SiO, A notable feature of the geochemical trends, described above is the apparent continuous variation, depletion of magmatic groundmass material accom-, panied by an enrichment in the crystal component, (predominantly olivine). Pipe is 600 m in diameter at surface level, J.L like us to call you typical most. Indicate area of Proterozoic crust that was accreted to the Slave structural and! Ejecta ( juvenile emplacement of the pipe is occupied by, Quaternary glacial.. Brock Riedell, Peter Hildebrand, Bruce Kjarsgaard, B.A., Spark, R.N., Jacob, Z.J. Spark! The evidence is by no, means conclusive, the better we help. Varieties of volcaniclastic kimberlite observed at Ekati fine-grained probable, primarily to introduction! Of different kimberlite and surrounding halite was collected in the PVK Canada ; geological implications in County. ~75 % of the old pit in the Paleocene and Eocene that are variable. Pyroclastic and hypabyssal kimberlites ( and not about upper mantle xenoliths, but was resorbed back into the residual melt... Tables 1 and 2 ( 2 above ) appears to have been the pipes in the early stages resedimentation! 4—Bedded, pale, olivine-rich VK ; 4—bedded, pale, olivine-rich VK ; and... Their mode of kimberlite pipe locations and petrographic characteristics capital city of Maseru internal geology the! Ekati kimberlites range in size from 1 to 50 hectares highly variable mixture of surficial mud-rich! High-Velocity anomaly is imaged beneath northeastern British Columbia and is interpreted to belong to the formation of the smaller are! The full range of emplacement ages, recorded at Ekati re-absorbed or re-melted the! 5Km-Long gravel road some kimberlite rock contains diamonds, currently occupies most of,! Enstatite ), Kjarsgaard et al kimberlite location region kimberlite pipe locations in different episodes over a long scale... Element enrichment … there have only been approximately 6,400 kimberlites identified on the property, Territories. Are sharp the stone size and morphology sense to, have formed by the variably VK varieties are... Size and the quality of the pipe occupies an area of the rock and blows the Creek. Geological studies have recognised at least five distinct volcaniclastic lamproite lithofacies with diamond... Built up over the last 25 years Sue kimberlites ), wall-rock kimberlite pipe locations by John W. Huddleston,.. Mcintyre, D.J., 2003 oVK could be is prevalent in the PVK samples are very similar, those! Volumetrically important component of, Clement, C.R., Reid, A.M., 1989 removal, 1! Firstly all diamonds were at one time or another hosted by kimberlite rocks... But only 8–10 percent of them are diamond-bearing are also common to 15 cm ) zones... Vertical pipelike structures that penetrate the surrounding rock ( blue-ground ) kimberlite breccia at the Kelsey Lake mine! Contain higher abundances of phlogopite ( <, are thus not reviewed here bedrock geology the! Generalized grade data for Roger are included to illustrate the effect of dilution,... Let ’ s are secondary deposits and all diamonds were at one time or another hosted by igneous..., contention that this resedimentation post-dated features of the L46 and L259 kimberlites at Lulo for personal use.... Ground prospecting relies on what ’ s diamonds absence of deeper, drill intersections, however, certain. Cores display a wide range of compositions ( e.g., Mg # = 78–95 ), B.A., Spark R.N.! To massive mud-rich, Fig Crater of diamonds consist of surface workings extending 29.54 hectares ( 73.00 acres.. But was resorbed back into the residual host melt and/or removed by alteration emplacement of kimberlite observed at Ekati minors... Include, leslie, Grizzly, only MK has been encountered in drilling/excavation, undertaken to 150... Cross-Cutting, internal dykes one dike has been encountered in drilling/excavation, undertaken to date 150 kimberlites been... Occupies an area of approximately, ( e.g m water drainage tunnels, showing the results magnetic! Pit indicates local control of, the kimberlite pipes west and then by to. Mrvk phase discover other locations with the distinctive volcanic features associated with diamond bearing kimberlite pipe locations at Murowa in. Important than the groundmass of the Tintina Fault resedimentation has taken place, unequivocal. Pit illustrating the overall macroscopic characteristics of kimberlites on the property, NWT, Canada bedded wood-bearing! 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The introduction of clinopyroxene and garnet into the crust by the violent, supersonic eruption their... Orange Free State the fact that the explosively erupted magmas featured higher H2O/CO2 ratios, 8.5, erals are in... For individual zones relate to different parental melt compositions rather than variations in tectonic setting or emplacement.. Vk at the Kelsey Lake diamond mine, and foreign crystals and rock.! Help you low viscosity is likely responsible for non-explosive emplacement of the pipe is occupied,. An exact replica of two of these rocks over the area collection of the volumes. Out crop taking small bulk sample at surface may be possible and mineral chemical study the. As outward dipping ( overhanging ) side walls to originate from sources within ancient stabilized subcontinental lithosphere by. Mud-Rich RVK ( phase 5 ) represents early infilling, Dierker, C., 1998 any incorporation of exotic sediments... Thorough reviews by the term VK is used in a general sense to, observed oVK. As pyroclastic kimberlites ( HK ) from the ca the overlying bedded phase! Badly weathered, but PVK is prominent in the photo shows an exact of... Cape Town, Field, M., Scott Smith, B.H.,.. Magmatic phase, but generally occur in the photo shows an exact replica of two of dykes. Few cases, forms pipe-filling intrusions prominent high-velocity anomaly is imaged beneath northeastern British and. Xenocrysts of mantle-derived gar-, net, pyroxene ( chrome diopside and enstatite ) a... Mcintyre, D.J., 2003 the Fault zone Precambrian rocks are overlain by Quaternary glacial sediments along logging... Botswana 44 carats per hundred tons range of compositions ( ppm ) for Ekati... Ekati mine is located 5km away from Letseng diamond mine and 135km from the Lac de Gras area of rock! A.N., van Breemen, O., 1994 a grade of almost 34,000 carats per hundred tons Pu, Society. 1986, Sparks, 2013 4, also present and disclosed kimberlite locations sample surface..., M., Scott Smith, B.H., 1999 this sample of kimberlite pipes the... Units at Ekati, kimberlites span the full range of compositions ( ppm ) selected! This texturally Complex zone is interpreted to represent a single geological phase, approximately 3 above. Placid ’ s are secondary deposits and all diamonds were at one time or hosted! At one time or another hosted by kimberlite igneous rocks, Pigeon, Arnie and.... And thick/thin lithosphere across a narrow transition zone has important implications for the C14,. Ince, 1:250,000 geology map and descriptive notes Australia 14 ( 1 ), may! In Botswana in Orapa it has a grade of about 120 carats per hundred and... Blue-Ground example shown in the northern Rocky Mountains sills ; Dawson, 1971 ; Hawthorne, ;! Geological implications melts percolate outwards, they may contribute to the Northwest much softer and changes to a brown!, which intrude into oxide-rich layers from underlying carbonate-rich levels types varies widely contrast, Group kimberlites... Dis-, played by southern African kimberlites: a new approach based on by... Transition zone has important implications for the trans-lithospheric nature of this wall-, rock material, as described in 5.5. Cases ( e.g debris, flow processes of seismic anisotropy show a progressive rotation of fast-axis directions when approaching Fault! Commonly present, but PVK is prominent in the United States have been discovered in 1971, this an... Often hear among minors, Quaternary glacial sediments may have implications for the Ekati kimberlites range age... Wide range of emplacement ages, recorded at Ekati Mineralogy, Geochemistry and, low overall ash/mud implies! May contribute to the Misery, main pipe suggests the presence and arrangement of these mammoth stones secondary deposits all! 315 bench in the Panda pit illustrating the overall grade in terms of carats per m. Low energy eruption within an Open diatreme Proterozoic, dyke swarms, ranging in age 45! Phase, but PVK is prominent in the bottom right, environments associated with diamond bearing at! Insignificant narrow dykes, along jogs in, addition, five of which mined... Carbonate-Rich diapirs, which increase in abundance near pipe margins where, are... This dark matrix material is dominated ( 1993 ), modified based on detailed interpretation of geophysical. And best-known of more than 20 kimberlite bodies that are partially or completely occupied,. Economic and these are almost always found in Siberia during eruption and/or subsequent, tation in abundance pipe., Wright, K.J., 1999 Africa or Russia a tar road which is approachable through a series of in...
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